Rocket talk?

Express, Liverpool, Rocket, Dirty Little Monster, etc.

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Rocket talk?

Post by Mark »

Dear Rocket

This a bit of a reminder about the questions I've previously asked about your Rocket amps. Please forgive my lack of patience, but I figure while I have your attention I should ask the question.

Thanks for your help.

Yours Sincerely

Mark Abbott

Dear Rocket

Thanks for the reply. Firstly I didn't even know that you had more than one Rocket amp.

I would like to know what speakers you use with these amps, and why?

What guitars are best suited to your amps?

Are the amps best suited to clean tones or distorted tones?

You may have read some of the posts I have made about the prototype I threw together. I thought it produced fantasic distorted tones with my Stratocastor, the tones were much better than the tones I was getting with Express and Liverpool prototypes. BTW the clean tones were typical of an AC-30.

I also was getting a slight hum from the Rocket prototype, do have have this sort of thing happening from your amp?
Yours Sincerely

Mark Abbott
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