Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by peach »

that was a scumbag thing to do, posting a private email sent to your message box, on the LPF, passing yourself off as a serious buyer, only to post here on a public forum all the details that most non serious buyers, such as yourself do not need to know. All serious players and buyers came to Kenny. He didn't need to pander to the public with ads, did he? Have you , or anyone else on this forum heard these amps?

mclmk8d you better delete that posting of the phone number, Ken's family doesn't need to hear from a bunch of people asking questions for the sake of curiosity.
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by dartanion »

peach wrote:mclmk8d
that was a scumbag thing to do, posting a private email sent to your message box, on the LPF, passing yourself off as a serious buyer, only to post here on a public forum all the details that most non serious buyers, such as yourself do not need to know. All serious players and buyers came to Kenny. He didn't need to pander to the public with ads, did he? Have you , or anyone else on this forum heard these amps?

mclmk8d you better delete that posting of the phone number, Ken's family doesn't need to hear from a bunch of people asking questions for the sake of curiosity.
Who are you to tell people what to do? 7 posts and you think you own this place?

Again, if you think emails are private, you are living in a fools paradise. They are about as secure as a post card sent via snail mail. As well, if you sent a message to someone, they have the right to do with that message as they please, unless you had him sign a Non Disclosure Agreement.

As well, how do you know who is or is not a serious buyer? Ever consider that posting the information and phone number might actually bring you a serious buyer(s)? Free advertising is the best kind!

Additionally, dude, if you are their PR person, you've got a lot to learn.
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by UR12 »

peach wrote:mclmk8d
All serious players and buyers came to Kenny. He didn't need to pander to the public with ads, did he? Have you , or anyone else on this forum heard these amps?
Dude. Kenny is no longer with us and if you expect us to believe that some guy other than Kenny is able to step into Kenny's shoes and carry on the tradition of building Trainwrecks that will sound as good and sell for $10k then I would like to have some of what you been smokin. Someone is setting up the hype for a serious scam. I haven't heard the amps and I don't need to as no matter how great they sound, they aren't being built by Kenny.

What kind of amp are you playing through?
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by Richie »

where did any of you see an ad in a magazine for Trainwrecks?

I don't know about ads, but there were many advertisments and mag articles over the years. I think many years ago they were in Vintage guitar or Guitar player.. Glen did a recording that was in a mag,he may have some info on that,or if he recalls seeing any ads.
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by mclmk8d »

peach wrote:mclmk8d
that was a scumbag thing to do, posting a private email sent to your message box, on the LPF, passing yourself off as a serious buyer, only to post here on a public forum all the details that most non serious buyers, such as yourself do not need to know. All serious players and buyers came to Kenny. He didn't need to pander to the public with ads, did he? Have you , or anyone else on this forum heard these amps?

mclmk8d you better delete that posting of the phone number, Ken's family doesn't need to hear from a bunch of people asking questions for the sake of curiosity.
Actually, I think I did it as a matter of information; after all, this is THE board for people interested in all things Trainwreck and Ken Fischer. I was also interested in the details, which you did not give much of; if I wasn;t, I would not have emailed you; and I'm sure people here would have wanted any news as to what is going on with TWs. Since you failed to provide much info and were somewhat

As for people on the forum hearing these amps, the answer is YES; there are also owners here.
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by M Fowler »

Peach why did you come and pose to buy a TW Liverpool awhile back?
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by jaysg »

peach wrote:IMHO, was it not word of mouth that people heard about Ken's work?, where did any of you see an ad in a magazine for Trainwrecks?
hmm...first heard of TW in the first edition of the Pittman opinion/schematic book. A small number of mods were attritubed to KF. Shortly thereafter, an Express was reviewed in Guitar Player magazine. I don't feel like pulling those dusty old mags out of storage right now, but I do recall Trainwreck ads in the rear of GP.
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by UR12 »

Next we will be hearing about the 5 lost TW amps that Ken had stashed away that no one new about and just happened to be found that will be selling for $50k ea :lol: I wonder how many amps (of any kind) this John guy has built. Maybe we can check out the quality of some of his other builds.
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by dartanion »

UR12 wrote:Next we will be hearing about the 5 lost TW amps that Ken had stashed away that no one new about and just happened to be found that will be selling for $50k ea :lol: I wonder how many amps (of any kind) this John guy has built. Maybe we can check out the quality of some of his other builds.
It's more like, builds Ken never finished, or never tweaked to perform properly. I kind of got that wiff somewhere that this topic has been discussed.

It's still their right to do it if they want to, but I think they will have an steep hill to climb to make it work. It sure would be interesting to watch wouldn't it?
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by Ron Worley »

[quote="peach"] Have you , or anyone else on this forum heard these amps?quote]

More people on this forum have heard real wrecks than any other place is my bet. In fact, almost everyone has, as Mr. Paisley plays his all over most of past few albums he's done.

And it really begs the question, Mr. "I have 7 posts on the Amp Garage", who the fuck do you think you are?

Ken gave his blessing long ago to what we do here, and we honor his memory pretty well in my opinion.

I suggest that you head back to TGP, it seems like a more fitting place for this bullshit. I don't usually get pissed here, but this is just such nonsense. Adios., Ben-day-ho......
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by smokin' tone »

Looks like somebody just got voted off the island. :twisted:
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by chimeboss »

Hey peach
For the record Kenny did advertise back in the day esp during the "Trainwreck Pages " days. Vintage Guitar blah blah blah ect...
Phone # address the whole shooting match.

How 'bout a missive from John Mark?
After all you are putting some major weight on his name.
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by peach »

Silbert is going to update the webpage, and is personally going to to listen to 5 new Trainwreck Rockets. I posted this thread to let people know they are being built again. I've played 4 of them, and A-B'd them against Reality Check, out of the 4, 2 sound better than Ken's amp. As for the wiring, transformers, etc,...there are upgrades. Ken didn't stand pat on his own designs, we know that, he was a very close friend to us.

As for price, if some Komets sold for $7500 or $5500 how can you say $10,000 is out of line? These are not clones, these amp are wired even more immaculate. And let me tell you David Thunderfunk was not the only person to wire up Trainwrecks, there were atleast 4 other people to help Ken out over the years.

The person building these amps has been there from the very beginning when Ken was running ads in the Aquarian for amp mods. We're talking early 80's. I've never met anyone with better ears than him. Hyper critical, better than Kenny's ears. The time I had spent with both of them, was truly unique. He would push Ken, " it's not good enough" .

Reality Check is not the name of Ken's amp, he coined that phrase for me. After playing a few original Vox AC 15, AC30 Top Boost, and Plexi Marshall all brought down by Greg Levy, I assumed I played the very best amps in the world. When finished, Ken plugged me into his Rocket, he laughed when he saw the look on my face, and said to me, you're experiencing a REALITY CHECK.

We were all devastated when Ken died, and like most of you thought his legacy died with him. There was a desire to keep them alive for players, not millionaires. I knew Ken for 12 years, but I knew I wasn't getting a Wreck. I couldn't afford it. After Fred Fry set the standard for these amps, nobody like me was going to touch them. After the past year I didn't think the family was going to do this. I just learned about this site a few months ago and decided to try a Liverpool Clone built by Allan. It's a phenominal amp, it blows my Komet 80 away. By the time I got it, JMP built 3 Rockets, talk about timing.

There is nothing more left to say. I'm being upfront and honest. I'm not the PR guy, nor a salesman. My job was to get everyone to take notice they are being built and are available.

for any questions:

I've said my peace.

Thank You,

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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by dayn »

There was a desire to keep them alive for players, not millionaires.

That is a price for millionaires, not players.
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Re: Post on Les Paul forums Re: New Rockets built on KF's bench

Post by UR12 »

peach wrote:Silbert is going to update the webpage, and is personally going to to listen to 5 new Trainwreck Rockets. I posted this thread to let people know they are being built again. I've played 4 of them, and A-B'd them against Reality Check, out of the 4, 2 sound better than Ken's amp. As for the wiring, transformers, etc,...there are upgrades. Ken didn't stand pat on his own designs, we know that, he was a very close friend to us.
That is great. We have an unknown amp builder out ther building Ken's amps that sound better than Ken's own amp at least to your ears and the guy building them. For the last 5 years we have had it shoved down our throat that NO ONE can build a Trainwreck but Ken. I understand that Ken had John build amps for a while just like Dave and that he had decided that it wasn't worth his time because they just couldn't get it right. Now you are here trying to feed us a line that this John guy, who Ken decided wasn't up to it when he was alive, is now building them better than Ken could. That is total BS
peach wrote:As for price, if some Komets sold for $7500 or $5500 how can you say $10,000 is out of line? These are not clones, these amp are wired even more immaculate. And let me tell you David Thunderfunk was not the only person to wire up Trainwrecks, there were atleast 4 other people to help Ken out over the years.
$10,000 for an amp that is not built by Ken is just ridiculous.$7500 for a friggin Komet is also ridiculous. They are trying to capatalize on a unknown amp builder and selling Ken's name and you are here spreading the propaganda.
peach wrote:The person building these amps has been there from the very beginning when Ken was running ads in the Aquarian for amp mods. We're talking early 80's. I've never met anyone with better ears than him. Hyper critical, better than Kenny's ears. The time I had spent with both of them, was truly unique. He would push Ken, " it's not good enough" .
So I will ask again. Other than standing behind Ken and trying to build a few amps for Ken that didn't work out. What else has this guy ever built. What kind of prices was he getting for HIS amps? My wife has been standing behind me from the beginning (about 34 years now and believe me is hyper critical :lol: but that doesn't mean she can build an amp.

peach wrote:We were all devastated when Ken died, and like most of you thought his legacy died with him. There was a desire to keep them alive for players, not millionaires. I knew Ken for 12 years, but I knew I wasn't getting a Wreck. I couldn't afford it. After Fred Fry set the standard for these amps, nobody like me was going to touch them. After the past year I didn't think the family was going to do this. I just learned about this site a few months ago and decided to try a Liverpool Clone built by Allan. It's a phenominal amp, it blows my Komet 80 away. By the time I got it, JMP built 3 Rockets, talk about timing.
Yes there are a few builders on this site that can build an amp equally as good as Ken, one being Allyn. I doubt you paid anywhere near 10 grand for one of Allyn's amps. Matter of fact I would guess that the Komet 80 probably cost more than Allyn's amp. So what are you getting for your extra money when you buy the Komet? Better sound? from your comment I would guess not. So what would I be getting for my extra $7500 if I spent $10k on an amp built buy John versus what I would give for an amp built by Allyn. The Trainwreck name? It will really be fun to see how this all plays out.

I've said my peace.