Caps/Resistors for Rocket BOM

Express, Liverpool, Rocket, Dirty Little Monster, etc.

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Caps/Resistors for Rocket BOM

Post by palmatown »

First I want to say THANK YOU for these Rocket files!! Amazing to have as a newer builder! Wow!

Going through the Rocket BOM, some of the products are discontinued for one reason or another, like the Mallory TC75. I am guessing based on when this BOM was assembled I will run into some of this but know there exists a good replacement. I found the below but it wasn't clear to me a good substitute. ... 2&start=15

I am not looking just for the TC75 replacement, but looking for guidance on which manufacturer to go with in general as I come across discontinued products. Being relatively new to the building process, should I pick any respected manufacturer like F&T and just move forward? I could get stuck trying to decide and that's no fun and a time suck. :)

Thank you for any help!
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Re: Caps/Resistors for Rocket BOM

Post by Reeltarded »

Some of us are insane and some of us use highend parts and others have success with common things they had leftover.


My Liverpool amp sounds identical to the amp it is recreated from, but with Takman and orange drops with vintage blue Mallory tone caps, Russian OP tubes and some nice preamp tubes.

Build some and then worry about being super snooty for your own fun times.
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Re: Caps/Resistors for Rocket BOM

Post by GAStan »

Try the search here on TAG. I just put tc75 in and got 51 hits, you're not the first to ask this question.

One of the tidbits of info I saw was that Mallory was bought by CDE.

I have been reading a LOT of threads on capacitors I found through the search here looking for things like 6PS, 418p, 225, nichicon, cde etc...

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Re: Caps/Resistors for Rocket BOM

Post by dblgun »

The CDE's are WBR'S so a 20uf cap in 450v is a WBR20-450 and 40uf a WBR40-450. These along with Spragues and Mallory's are still out there and available but have likely been on a shelf for years. They are also bringing a premium for some reason. F&T's are a great option being that they are rated higher and are physically smaller. Overall I like to look for the best currently available components for the application I am working with. You will get many opinions of what resistor or capacitor etc. are best to use in the KF circuits. Many of the components that he used have not been produced in some time. Some of the considerations come down to physical features or limitations. For example, quality carbon film resistors with sufficient lead lengths and gauge have become the exception rather than the norm. For me a bit of research and discussion often goes a long way towards finding a good solution for these components. There are many here willing to share their experience and what has worked best for them. If you're curious about a specific component substitute I'm sure if you ask someone here will have an answer to what has worked best.
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