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If you had 2 vintage 30'

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:34 pm
by dragonbat13
And you had a twin with two swamp thangs,
And a amp nation dumble style 2x12

What type of 2x12 cabinet would you build?

The celestions are 16 ohm. And I would get a different v30 to mix with one.

4x12 cans are just too big and bulky.

I want another 2x12. I could use a marshall type cab to put with a jam I may build.

I'm not set in stone on anything, just looking for ideas.

Re: If you had 2 vintage 30'

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:46 pm
by ChopSauce

Re: If you had 2 vintage 30'

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:16 pm
by Colossal
I was going to suggest a detuned 4x12, but ChopSauce saw to that. Big and airy sounding but a little less weight with two speakers removed. But still bulky. For a 2x12, I would look at the Dumble style 2x12 ported/open back.

Re: If you had 2 vintage 30'

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:36 am
by Geeze
1936, or a staggered 2x12 if you don't like the width of the 1936.


I'd also suggest looking at Zilla's cabs. I built a copy of one of their OS 1x12's and like it better - so far - than TL-806 cabs. I'm not sure you can go wrong. Of course I'm a closed back guy.


Re: If you had 2 vintage 30'

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:53 pm
by dobbhill
Bogner Cube/clone
Same as Crate Blue Voodoo 1-12"
V30 is the stock speaker