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Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Re: Sweet...

Post by pedro »

LOL!! - when do you find time to play :lol: :lol: :lol: , Man !!! this is fun...

I'm sticking with 500ohm for now but I'm rooting through my stuff pulling out all the values of cement Power resistors I can find - this is getting like an obsession and the amp isnt off the bench yet.

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Re: Sweet...

Post by Robert »

Well it's not to hard to get me away from doing my taxes today so back to the A/B'ing 250 Ohm vs 500 Ohm. With the volume of amp and guitar on high I record a 7 volt drop at B+2 with both resistor values when hitting a hard bar chord. Perhaps that is not a technically correct way to measure "sag". Lacking a background in electronics I assumed "sag" was a term to describe a voltage drop and its time to return to normal and would be perceived or experienced by a blooming or swelling of note volume after a hard attack due to the delay in the voltage returning to its steady state at rest. My perception previously was that phenomenon occurred slightly more using the 250 Ohm resistor. I don't have the right equipment to test the length of time it required for the voltage to return its initial value. That however might yield a difference between the two value resistors.

I never claimed to "know", just shared my opinion regarding my amp, fwiw. In the interest of education, any of you more technically inclined types care to proffer a definition of "sag" from a technical point as well as how one might experience "sag" playing. I hate to think of the liability and embarassment of people falling off their chairs laughing in the workplace due to my ignorance.
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