any interest in Dumbleator II info?

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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by Allynmey »

Ampdork, Brandon has been a great source to the community here. Many people here make and sell amps on this forum. I do. I also try to share what I have with everyone. Brandon has helped me in the past as well as hundreds of other people here. That being said, Brandon also has a business to run and currently the Dumble stuff is his forte'. Nothing wrong with him keeping a few things back for which he search high and low for for years am I wrong? I've been in a bunch of wrecks and have pics. Many of the guys who let me blueprint their amp asked me to not share the pics. Instead, I make an exact copy and post pics of my build. Technically I'm not sharing the real pics but, what they hey?... My point is that Brandon shares a lot here and is a very valuable member here. He is not required to give his life away is he? I've also noticed you've posted a few good things here too. Thanks. That's what keeps this place alive.
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by Robert »

Ampdork said:
Really sorry if anyone here is so sensitive that they will not accept the truth about this but enough is enough.
Well since you've had enough I guess your out of here..... see ya DORK!!!

To bad you didn't remember this guys advice:
Edited so I can build amps today instead of engaging in flame wars.

from this thread:

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Oh the irony, it just piles and piles and piles doesn't it DORK!!!
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by bluesfendermanblues »

Why don't yo'all just relax a bit :shock:

Let the person with a pure consience throw the first rock......

Put the demons back in the closets and lets share info and forget the rest !!
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by ic-racer »

I told myself I'm going to not participate in these discussions but I do have to say I would be upset if Brandon stopped posting here.
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by Funkalicousgroove »

All I'm saying is I'd love to be able to share more of what I have, my issue is the people here who TAKE but do not GIVE,

I believe Ampdork is that **Edit, temper, "guy"** that starts all the **Edit, "amp builder bashing"** over at the gear page, and frankly I think that would be a fine place for him to stay.

Here i started a thread to SHARE more information about another cool piece of Dumble gear, but instead I get flamed-

I'll post the pics in the files section so that folks don't have to read through all this crap to see them.
Last edited by Funkalicousgroove on Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by ampdork »

LOL so I am sour grapes for having my say but Brandon saying MUCH worse things about the TR guys is what exactly??? Sweet raisins?

You guys crack me up really.
Pirates and thieves the lot of you!
Get real guys. Do you really think it is so far out of rational thought that maybe Brandon has an enlightened self interest to keep things to himself?
I do not see it as either far fetched nor wrong.
What I think is funny is that A: The truth is hard to swallow around here.
and that B" People seem to think I have a problem with the truth and have a grudge against Brandon for it.
I do not. I happen to think that the reality is the DIY would do the most bitching and moaning if Brandon did not share. Not the other amp companies....Which is why I think it is easier to blame other amp companies and save some face with the DIY.....
Whatever... think what you all will like. In a few years the current DIY heros will likely all be vilified and will be punished for their good deeds.
We'll see the love Brandon has for the DIY crowd once they start to turn on him and start trading Bludo schematics......

In the end it is really a silly thing to argue. If Brandon has beef with TR fine so be it. I just don't get it. From what I recall Ceriatone made a clone of the #124 amp which was posted thanks to Gil and BY and I think it came with a statement that said "Do whatever you want with this info"
Maybe I am incorrect but I would think that would mean "If you clone this amp and sell it we do not care"
So why does Brandon care so much? From what I can tell Brandon had not much to do with the fact that Ceriatone made a clone amp. From what I see it was Gil and BY that should be bent out of shape if anyone. Seems though they wrote off on that from the get go. So why does Brandon have a problem with the fact of Ceriatone using that info? If you read what he says in a certain context (out of context perhaps but easily misread by many I am sure) it would seem he almost makes it sound like Ceriatone has him to thank for their amp. I do not share that view.
He also makes a big stink about his tutorial and how TR stole it. GIVE ME A BREAK MAN. There were loops being made years ago by a lot of people including two rock!!! So totally wrong for him to make false claims otherwise.
Last bit. I love how Chad is Brandon's cab guy when the fact of that is that Chad has been knee deep in two rock for years and years. If anything one could say that Brandon is using TR resources to get his cabs made!!!
So for me it just seems I can see things from a different angle and it does not always look so cut and dry as many would like to portray it.

Hope that makes things clear. Simply put I do not have any problems with Brandon's use of information. However I think it is ugly to blame EVERYONE else for doing the same
Again pots calling kettles black. This is simple stuff.

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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by tubedogsmith »

Well the writing style would suggest Quinn amps. If that's the case then sour grapes it is. Carry on!
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by ampdork »

>Ampdork You are a piece of shit, go fuck yourself!!! I Know who you are, >even if these people don't.

My name is Shadwell Damron. I operate build and sell quinamps at

There is no hiding here bud.

>I fail to see how chad being their builder before he built cabs for me has >anything to do with the fact that Joe Mloganowski didn't have the balls to >call me himself, and chad no longer does cabs for either of us-moot >point.

Just think it is odd how everything you say has a spin on it. Chad was building for TR first. So maybe Chad was TR's cab guy. Just another way of looking at it. Since he builds for neither of you anymore I guess it was a moot point to call him your cab guy at all, but whatever...

>I also fail to see how my years of searching for this info, and finding it >through Hands-on research (not letting someone else do the work then >acting entitled to it) and wanting to share it with DIY builders entitles YOU >to be able to profit off it commercially.

So you did all the years of hard work of "designing" this stuff? Wow Howard I didn't know you were building amps under another name.
Gosh thanks for all the hard work.
See you take Howards real hard work, reverse a circuit in a couple of nights then guess what dude? You then act entitled to it to profit off of commercially. Do you see the parallel at all? Cry me a river man cause I'm not feeling it. I have just as much right to profit from ANY information I obtain, regardless of the method used or the source. Be it here, inside of amps I have been in. It really does not matter. It is called being resourceful. I have every right to use it, all of it. As much as you do, TR does, ceriatone does, fuchs, glasswerks, and ANYONE else in the entire world. You haven't a leg to stand on with that argument bud not legally nor moraly. Truth hurts I guess.

>You know this asshole actually had the balls to ask me for the >mechanical drawing for my chassis posing as a "diy builder who is >inclined to fold his own chassis rather than buy one." you know where >that was going right?

Are you serious? My chassis is the chassis I designed. I have never seen your technical drawing nor even seen one of your chassis in my hand ever. Man you even think your a god for having CAD skills now. Get over yourself bro.... If I had asked you for a drawing I do not recall. However even if I had ever seen "yours" I would have used it to peep dimensions and redrew mine anyway. Again wasn't it Howard that did the hard work. You simply reversed it. Why hate on me for doing the same, even if I used your work to help? Is that not what you did with Howards body of work?
Just pisses you off that your not the only critter in the woods who work can draw a chassi or lay traces. Sheesh man sorry to inform you of this but there are millions who can. I worked hard for my chassi drawing as well. I did not sell any to the DIY crowd. I did give MY drawing away for free to be used by anyone for any purpose. But go ahead and claim credit for MY hard work too while you busy calling me names too....class act.

>I am amazed by the people who hop on this site, read for a few months, >ask alot of questions, then start an amp company, or add a "Dumble >style" to their current lineup, and why not, I mean if someone is dumb >enough to do the work for you, and post it in a public place, why the hell >not right? well excuse me for wanting things to be easier for other folks >than they were for me-

Are you trying to make a reference to me? Really cause I think I may have been building and selling amps while you were busy with someones DIY kit. Not positive on that but come on man I have lurked here long enough that I did not come along a few months ago. I was also lurking around ampage which is when I built my first d style amp. Correct me if I am wrong but did you have anything to do with that as well?
Look man you can point fingers at people and how long they have been building fine and dandy. What I do know is that you yourself were asking in January of this year at this very forum about voltage in Japan and you even went around asking how to build a current limiter.
When I read that in Janurary you did not even posses nor had much knowledge of how to build one of the simplest and important tools for an amplifier repair technician or an amp manufacturer I suspect just how much you really know and how much is smoke.
How about this one Brandon.....Aluminum chassis will not benefit from shielding a head cab because aluminium doesn't block RF!!!! Recall that statement? Can you tell me why then there are a million products designed to block micro wave and RF made of aluminium? Yeah your all wise.....
Oh and Howard DID ALL THE HARD WORK. Stop patting yourself on the tush dude. It's a cool gig but stop pretending YOU did it all. You didn't. Sorry...

>and while we're at it - the proper word is "accept" not except-jackass!

Again your wisdom and knowledge has been proven beyond my comprehension. Such intelligence to be found in words like fuck yourself, shithead, jackass. Or was that shit head Brandon? Thanks for your edification....

>All I'm saying is I'd love to be able to share more of what I have, my >issue is the people here who TAKE but do not GIVE,

Sure. It's all about us isn't it? Why not just cop to it. Your going to be just like TR. You are becoming that which you have wasted so many breaths putting down. You are JUST like TR AND Dumble. Keeping secrets to turn around and sell them. Good for you man but you going on and on about everyone else besides you is BS. Keep your secrets man. Go ahead and scape goat on me with your lame excuses too. Your truly a comical persona.

>I believe Ampdork is that asshole that starts all the shit over at the gear >page, and frankly I think that would be a fine place for him to stay.

Who would that be exactly? My name over there is quinnamps I think in the last 4 weeks or longer I have posted exactly what twice and in completely non dumble related threads. If your saying that I am starting shit over there then say "Ampdork is that asshole Shad, known as quinnamps over at TGP who starts all that bullshit in these threads" and then provide the links. Cause you know what? I think your again spinning bullshit.....Either call me out on specific things or shut the heck up. I can stand by each and everything I have ever said and I think you either have me mistaken for someone else or your simply talking shit and spinning things trying to make me look bad. Please stop trying to guess who I am and check your facts. Your clearly way off base and much too sensitive.

>Here i started a thread to SHARE more information about another cool >piece of Dumble gear, but instead I get flamed-

Really was that the intent? Cuaee it seems like you have been nitching and moaning about how much you share for a hiwle now and trying to make an issue of it. The fact that you went hell bent about your claims that the TR unit would not have happened without your gracious tutorial is crazy. You may as well say that everyone else besides you is stupid and withotu your help no one could have ever figured out the complexity a single tube buffer......Wow dude you are so big on yourself and you "hard work" and contributions that you really think everyone else is stupid and your a genius huh?
I think you plant these things, which are already very well documented long before your teaching us....LOL and then you can claims some superiority. Well fine and dandy you made a tut for the DIY. Wanna star or what? To imply that I, TR or Ceriatone or anyone else for that matter could not have made a freaking loop without your tutorial is borderline megalomania...

>I'll post the pics in the files section so that folks don't have to read >through all this crap to see them.

Yeah well again for the record you started the pissing and moaning about two rock being overpriced, how they stole from you, how Joe has no nuts, seems like YOU started the moaning. Now you will save us all from it....Gee thanks what a hero.

Thanks too for all the names you called me. It really shows class.
To think I did not sell my chassis here out of respect to you and to even think I actually had sympathy for your position.....

Whatever man stay on your high horse. Keep blaming others and being bitter about working so freaking hard and having other profit from it.
Gee if your this pissed about all your hard work I wonder what Howard feels knowing that HE DID ALL THE HARD WORK!!!!

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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by ampdork »

That being said, Brandon also has a business to run and currently the Dumble stuff is his forte'. Nothing wrong with him keeping a few things back for which he search high and low for for years am I wrong? I've been in a bunch of wrecks and have pics. Many of the guys who let me blueprint their amp asked me to not share the pics. Instead, I make an exact copy and post pics of my build. Technically I'm not sharing the real pics but, what they hey?... My point is that Brandon shares a lot here and is a very valuable member here. He is not required to give his life away is he?

No see I was saying that all along. It is ok for Brandon to sell amps and to keep secrets. There is no shame in that. Bitching about everyone else who does the same thing is a pot calling a kettle black is all I was indicating and I think it is applicable.

I do thank you for whatever it is I have contributed that you mention. As a matter of course I try not to interact too much with the DIY group as I do not wish to mix my motives up. My first priority is to my family and to my business and to my clients, not to the DIY crowd. I do at times share a thing or two (anyone at aaron stompbox forum ever sort the huge work I gave them for the ? Flanger?) but usually only when it's value to me and what I am doing has passed.
However.... I did not blame other would be builders for the fact that I sat on it as long as I did. I did out of purely self interests.
It bugs me that grown men can't say the same things and instead try to put all the crying DIYer on someone elses doorstep like TR or anyone elses.
When people asked me for the lovetone ringstinger AND the ? Flanger I spelled it out pretty clearly for them and I took the brunt of their dissatisfaction from that answer. Just don't see why it ought to be any different for anyone else. I took my lumps from the DIY crowd because they wanted what I was unwilling to give up. Now I have to tolerate DIY being pissed of at the likes of me for them not getting there free goodies from Brandon.....Whatever.
Well the writing style would suggest Quinn amps. If that's the case then sour grapes it is. Carry on!
Yeah yeah I'm all bitter and broken up over the lack of love from the garage and TGP. Puh-leeze..... What sour grapes exactly?
Exactly.... really none that can point to is there? So really your just making accusations without basis....

Whomever that guy was who said he was better of building amps then dealing with this was right!

You guys have your fun. I said what I said and if anyone wants to go back and read it with a clear head they will. I asked a grown man to act like one and stop blaming others as the cause for him to make what I would have called smart business decision.... Things I would have said to Brandon's face.
In turn I get called a whole storm of names and told to eat shit and die?
Things he would say to my face? Seriously?

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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by dogears »

Shad, you have no clue what happened that caused Brandon's post. He is not saying Two Rock used any info he posted. He is saying that they are charging $2500 for something that probably looks very much like the loop in the tutorial. One you could make for $200

He is pissed because TR approached him for some parts, he ordered them, and then TR did not take them. He probably feels they used him for part sourcing info then left him holding the bag.

He posted this to expose the emporers new clothes of the ELI loops.

You really should apologize to Brandon, IMO, since you have it completely wrong.
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by Funkalicousgroove »

I don't care anymore, really. no one owes me anything. the Ceriatone deal was spelled out long ago, I sent him a mechanical drawing for a quote, never got a quote, few months later he contacts me asking when I was coming out with my chassis because he was getting ready to release his, we had a conversation, made a gentlemans agreement, then Nik broke that agreement- That's the beef with ceriatone.

As far as trading Bludotone schematics: there is not much in my amps that I haven't shared here on this site, as a matter of fact, I believe I've posted pictures of my 80's, 90's and loop. I even went so far as to post a step-by-step tutorial of how to build the loop.

But alas Shad, you are the man, you are right, and I am wrong-so I'm passing the torch to you- Please enlighten us with all your insight, take hours of your day to help DIY-ers, buy parts in bulk and sell them at little to no profit, spend hours on the phone with people helping them to get their amp right, it's all you now bro- please reap what you have sewn.

What you don't seem to understand is that I have NOTNING TO GAIN by being here, I had all this info Long before this site, I posted the pics on the old t-wreck forum that started this whole thing.
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by Funkalicousgroove »

BTW, I have no problem saying any of this to your face Shad, perhaps I'll get to in the near future :D
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by ayan »

ampdork wrote: From what I see it was Gil and BY that should be bent out of shape if anyone.
Above amps and everything else, I like to feel good and I am sure most of my friends here do to. Shad, I am not sure what hits a nerve so strongly in your case, but I suspect it doesn't feel good to you. Furthermore my position is that, whatever it is, it's your mountain to climb and not this forum's. The energy this whole thing projects doesn't make me feel good, and I am not alone. I would be very disappointed if suddenly this place, where some of us have invested so much, were to go south. Please, don't contribute to make hat happen. I truly hope you will find a way to, single handedly, come to terms with whatever the issue may be and resolve it.


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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by Allynmey »

Gil, no worries about the forum. :D

Ampdork, if you have nothing but contempt for the DIY community, it is possible that you might find satisfaction elsewhere. :wink:

This forum won't deteriate to a Harmony Central type shouting match between people who come to stir things up. That is a promise.

I do believe that Brandon posted this thread about a Dumbleator II circuit....proceed.
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Re: any interest in Dumbleator II info?

Post by ampdork »

Short and sweet. No apologies Scott. Read the language the guy used and the things he has said to me. Tell me when in your life, wrong or right, did someone say these types f things to you and you forgave him and then apologized. Can anyone here relate such a story? I think not. I will not apologize. Had he had enough class and wisdom to not use such trailer trash language then perhaps that would have been an option. As it is no way.
Not only for the language but also for the many false accusations he has leveled on me. Let's see...stole his chassis, been here a few months, asked a ton of simple questions, then went out and started a business.
None of which is true nor even remotely close. My chassis, my cabs, my work, not his. Asked a ton of simple questions for a few months? Seriously one need only look up my profile and they can see I have asked very very little if anything. I think I once asked where a certain schematic could be found. One question and not even a technical one yet this guy can sit here and lie and paint me in some manner than has no basis in any facts!!!

Brandon stop being a matyr....again!
I have already spelled this out and your proving me right.
You wish you could bail out on the DIYer and your wanting to place the blame for that on someone else's doorstep. Scapegoating....
Keep your damn torch. You lit with it.

As for you saying things to my face... Really?
Your bizarre dude. The only kind of person who would do such a thing over amps is the kind of person looking to create drama in the hopes of finding violence.

Gil did not mean to drag you into this to come to my rescue.
I was incorrect anyway. It would seem Brandon had another issue with Nik dealing with chassis' again. Although at the time he painted it like without him Nik would never have had the info to build an amp. As if he was the one who provided the pics. That was all. After he has tried to claim credit for my chassis work and all the numerous over weird deals the guy has had with folks but went sour I dunno.....It really looked like the man was trying to take credit for the info and pics of #124.

As for weird energy. You may be right. All I know for sure is that violence is the weirdest vibe of all and I did not bring that kind of vibe here...

As for contempt for DIYers...Allyn please this is not what I mean at all. There is no contempt. If you would like to shuffle me out the door that is your prerogative. Contempt for DIYer is not at the heart of the matter. I just see that I might have conflicts of interest to participate.
I look at Brandon for an example. Nothing but sour deals and weird vibe between him and just about every other builder out there save for the ones that came before him.... Lots and lots of conflicts between him and others. I think that all stems from the fact of that he has conflicts of interest due to being a builder..... Those are exactly the types of troubles I sought to avoid by not posting. Not contempt just a desire to not be put into sticky situations. Yes indeed I should have stayed lurking. Too late now I suppose. I do apologize to the board at large for the disturbance. However I cannot etake it back and there is no apology I will offer Brandon after his explosion and misguided angst. I am not the thorn in his side.

Back to amps. When the day comes that the few things I have to share are no longer of value to QA then I will drop it somewhere for the DIY community and other amp builders to benefit from.

There really is no sour grapes. I wish all the best in their endeavors and other than some nasty lies and foul language tossed my way there really are no hard feelings and even those will pass.

Lurk mode or ousted your choice Allyn and I will respect it either way.
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