My Dumble archive

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Re: My Dumble archive

Post by BobW »

Continuing this thread is just giving this guy jesse and his cohort more ammunition to continue their complaints.
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Re: My Dumble archive

Post by Structo »

Peter wrote:Jesse probably won't be to pleased about me writing this stuff here, but I think it's about time somebody tells the other side of the story.
I've known Jesse for many years, and he's a nice person. Personally I think he would've been wiser to invest his money in stocks, than in a book. But he released/published it for Dumble fans and not to become rich.
I'm not sure what the original price of the book was because things have changed on the book's site. I think it was higher than it currently is.
But currently it costs 150 euros or $212.55 US.

Plus the shipping fees of $52 (North America) plus insurance bringing the total to well over $265. For a book that is advertised as having three interviews with Howard and of which only two are reported as unreleased.
Pretty steep price for a 332 page book.
I can't think of a college text book that costs that much.

So for $265+ you get the same tired interviews and pictures that have been posted on the internet.
Lets see, $265 / 2 = $132.50 per interview.

If Jessie is not trying to get rich off of one book, why in the world would he exhort such a high price for a book that has little if any original material?

Did Jessie pay Howard Dumble any royalties for using his name, photos and interviews?

Peter, why do you feel the need to defend Jessie?

Are you a lawyer?

Also, if you think Howard Dumbles amplifier designs are all original then you know next to nothing about tube amplifiers.
Sure he put together several designs that have been around since schematics were published in tube manuals but, I assure you they are not original or he would own patents on them.
Ask Randall Smith about that one. :lol:

Mr. Dumble seems by all accounts a weird duck.
Instead of making his amplifiers available to the general public, he has priced them beyond reach of nearly everybody.
I think he likes the mystique that surrounds him. Either that or he is severely agoraphobic and lives as a hermit.

In the end, it should be humbling and complementary that so many would copy his amp designs for their own use.
I can't comment on the companies that make them for profit.

Have a good day and the next time Jessie would like to tell this forum something, maybe he will address us personally instead of having an admirer do it for him. :D

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Re: My Dumble archive

Post by VacuumVoodoo »

I imagine this book, which I have not seen, can be looked upon as kind of an unauthorized biography since I understand it hasn't been approved by Mr. Dumble.

College textbooks. fine. they're printed in much higher numbers than the Dumble book I would presume. So the price is lower and still includes authors royalties.
I doubt the publishers of Dumble book will be buying Porsches with the procceeds.

Dumble book is a "boutique" book and commands a price as such. If its contents are largely a collection of readily available material it is in concept not very different than all these amps put together using already known circuits and not so much original thinking. In that case it is an insult to Mr. Dumble himself and no surprise he reportedly isn't happy with it. He did in fact contribute original thinking to amp design.

I only hope there isn't a Ken F book in the making somewhere...

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Re: My Dumble archive

Post by talbany »

In defense to the big guy I would be pissseedd!! Too...He should be getting something for the inspiration behind the publication...No doubt the internet has hit just about every industry some good some bad.. Music.Publishing.,Newspapers, USPS,Pawn dealers, Vintage market in every respect, on and on... If the networking technology were not upon us the book would no doubt do much better!!..Initially the web has given the US and other countries a great marketing advantage in many respects however I believe it will in the long run contribute to our demise..... Restructuring many of the larger more valuable companies that employ so many...The next generation will have it's hands full incorporating the internet as a productive tool without permanently damaging our economy...It's already started!!!....

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Re: My Dumble archive

Post by drew »

peter0184 wrote:Hi everyone,

Dear Robert:

You wrote: I am no attorney. However, I can't believe a legitimate notice of a copyright violation would be sent via email.

Why not? Jesse could've went straight to a lawyer and have him write a typical rude lawyers letter to Rob Livesey.
Not to forget with a bill, but he didn't want to do that.
Sure, why rely on a "typical rude lawyers letter" that might actually clearly explain the basis of one's claims, and have some chance of being taken seriously, when you can just e-mail something that looks like it was composed by a 17 year old in an internet cafe in Nigeria? Besides, consulting with an IP attorney might result in being given some unwelcome good advice, such as, for example, that it might be counter-productive to be a hard-ass with someone whose non-commercial website archive has been significantly helpful in fanning the interest in Dumble, which you now hope to commercially exploit with your book. No, no, avoid the legal profession entirely. Communicate with the world through weird e-mails and proxy accounts on ampgarage; that's the ticket.
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Re: My Dumble archive

Post by paulster »

It's not as if he's even the original copyright holder.

Whilst copyright may have been transferred to him, who knows who has been given usage rights under various contractual agreements over the years that may have been vague enough to allow subsequent transference of said usage rights? Guitar Player magazine have usage rights, for instance, so how was their contract worded? And anybody else that was legally allowed to use them?

Jesse needs to step up and provide some actual evidence of the contracts pre-dating his acquisition of the copyright, assuming he actually knows what they were.
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Re: My Dumble archive

Post by Allynmey »

I'll probably lock this thread. Not due to anyones comments here but, it sounds like Jesse's boy Peter is trying to conjure up some slanderous remarks to hand to his lawyer. Old trick... :wink:

As far as I can see (personal opinion here), The author is trying to cash in on a wave of interest generated for the most part by this forum and others like it. He make negative assertations about individuals copying or cloning Mr. Dumbles amplifiers (which in fact were based on others works) but he himself, is making money on Mr. Dumbles story, life, and work. Mr. Dumble approves of him doing that about as much as someone copying (his) amps.....not. :?

Stealing someones life story for profit is a little worse than copying an amp don't you think Peter?