Dumble vs Trainwreck

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Dumble vs Trainwreck

Post by stoo »

Hi everyone. I hope this isn't too stupid a request.
How would you compare these two amps?
I have a Marshallesque 50 watt amp now but I want to build something else. Im thinking about an 18 watter or maybe a Trinity SIIIV6. But lately I'm thinking something more "Exotic" with this D'lite kit coming up and all the TW kits available! I play mostly British blues/rock and a little Allman Bros.
Thanks all
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Re: Dumble vs Trainwreck

Post by ampdoc1 »

Listen to the clips of each here. The 'Wreck is a gain monster, but you can turn down your guitar and get a great clean tone. Dumble types are a little more refined, and the best of them have that little "bloom" on the notes after you pick the string. They both have a lot of touch sensitivity and headroom.
But, don't worry about it, build the 'Wreck first, cause it's pretty simple to do. You'll love it, but building these things are like eating peanuts,...you'll never stop at one!

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Re: Dumble vs Trainwreck

Post by AdmiralB »

I would disagree with the gain point. Dumbles have a lot more gain available than Express/Komet amps. The Express has that aggressive edge because the clipping is wildly asymmetric, but there's a lot less compression available.

But definitely, the Express is a lot easier to build.
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Re: Dumble vs Trainwreck

Post by Bob-I »


TWreck's are huge loud amps, but need to be cranked to get the tone. They're fairly low gain but big on tone and drive. The attack is sharp and in your face.

Dumble's sing and bloom at all volume levels. Their fairly high gain compared to most other amps but not to the SLO's and Mesa's. Their attack is soft and smooth with a charactor that cannot be described other than saying it's Dumble.
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