Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

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Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by wishkahdaddy »

In August I gave Greg Clark a Bassman donar chassis and down payment for an Ultra Phonix build. In the course of 2 months Greg and I had over 60 documented communications and he said the build was going well. About 6 or so weeks ago he told me the amp was near done and way ahead of schedule. Because of this and the relationship I thought we had built, I sent him the final payment as he told me on the phone he'd have the amp done very soon and be shipping it to me once he "tweaked it". Well after I sent Greg the final payment he quit contacting me. After 5 weeks I called/PM'd, Texted, Emailed, and nothing. The guy who I talked with damn near daily some weeks all but disappeared and he has around $3,000 of my hard earned money with him. After making many calls to others and writing on TGP Greg finally contacted me and gave me some story about tough times. I fell for it for about a day until others started contacted me about how they had bad dealings with Greg and how many never got their products ordered either. Seems like Greg was doing quite well scamming others and this had been going on for an extended period of time (6 months at least). Is what hurts the most as he was a moderator on here and someone in a position of authority and trust.

The purpose of this thread is not to sling a bunch of mud. I would like to see this thread serve these purposes.

1) Warn others of what is going on so they don't fall victim.

2) Perhaps someone out there knows Greg and can talk some sense into him and guide him to turn wrongs into rights.

3) Perhaps someone knows where Greg is? (Last I heard he said he was back in Buffalo.) If you know where he is and have contact info to him, family, friends, that would be appreciated. I'm not looking to do any physical harm to anyone. I will simply let the law handle this. Please PM the info and don't post it publicly.

4) Create a list of people who have had bad dealings with Greg. I realize some people don't want to chime in but I have talked to a handful of people who have had bad dealings with Greg or who Greg owes money/product to but won't deliver.

Please keep this civil and factual. Please don't bring others into the mix. PM me if there are side bar stories please. All that will do is lead to the mods deleting this thread. A similar thread is going on at TGP with Stu from Fat Sounds Guitar. You would be amazed at the guys coming out of the woodwork who have been ripped off. Please don't comment on that here, I'm only using it as an example. I want this thread to be solely about Greg D Clark. Please start another thread if you want to side bar...

Thank you
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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by Cliff Schecht »

All I'm going to say is what I said in the other thread, that I hope things turn out ok in the end for you guys and for Greg as well. From what I can tell most of these guys that end up collecting a bunch of money and not delivering promised products end up doing so because they got in over their heads. They cease all communication at some point and try to recollect themselves and either close their business and try to return money/products where possible. Or they cannot return any money (bankruptcy and LLC's are baseline protection for these guys usually) and end up shafting a bunch of people. Of course this sucks for the customers and it's not fun having $3k tied up in a big unknown variable but I bet that he wasn't out to simply steal peoples money (especially in such a public manner!). I hope Greg takes the high road and tries to fulfill his obligations..
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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by billyz »

Really sorry to hear about your experience with one of our members, thanks for the heads up and we hope it turns out well for you in the end.

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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by ToneMerc »

To Greg D Clark,

For the record I'm not bitter, but actually sad because if you are at the point where to need to get over on me, then God help you. When you asked for parts, I sent parts to Texas and I never asked you for one red cent or even one tiny tidbit of information in return, I was just glad to help another TAG member.

However, all I ever wanted was for you to ship the power transformer that I paid for back in July, which you promised to ship 4 different times. I guess I couldn't get you to see that it wasn't about the money, which is peanuts, but about the principle of how you treat people.

As far what you owe me, you can keep it. I'm a fair person and it's a fair trade for the moments of your life I'll take when you think of how you treated me.

Randy I'm going to say this because I'm going to stand up for what's right. A former member was banned from TAG after running this same type of game on two members in the For Sale section that just involved some tubes and pickups, the end result was that he was removed. Therefore, a precedent was set on how TAG ownership deals with this type of activity of it's members.

If this forum is to maintain any type of integrity, do we not treat ALL members the same here or is there some double standard?

I'm done with this, I have amp to finish.

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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by Allynmey »

Hi all, I have sent word to Greg about the complaints lodged against him. I asked him to reply by this weekend. I asked him also to contact the individuals involved and straighten out his mess. I hope he does.

I don't want to ban him yet as this will only sever the contact from the people who are looking for him. Many only know him from this forum and have no other way to contact him. he has been removed as a mod the moment I received word of this on Wednesday.

I want to remind everyone on this forum that this venue is a place to hang out, exchange ideas, and socialize. This is not Ebay or a marketplace! The forum does not endorse anyone selling anything here! We do not get involved and have no financial stake in anyones business.

What I'm saying is "buyer beware". The For Sale section is a place where members can sell things and buy things. We have no control or interest in the purchases. I don't like the "piling on" threads and will ask my mods to delete them where they see them.

That said, if some would like to post a thread about a purchase that went south, I don't care. Once it becomes a firestorm of personal attacks, it will be deleted. Meanwhile, I will try to get in touch with the focus of this thread and convince him to "make amends"

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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by Yerffej »

Wow I should count myself lucky, the goods I received from Greg were only damaged, incomplete and 5 months late! I had no idea that all the rest of this was going on and I regret now not speaking up when I saw him posting other items for sale (I still had hopes of receiving the rest of my package at that point, and didn't want to sour the deal).

Anyway, I have a lengthy correspondence with Greg in my private messages and I'd love to be involved in the amends if it ever happens.

> I paid in full for a gutted 66 deluxe reverb in June. Received most of it by the end of October, but still waiting on "the final package".
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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by qtone »

Add me to the list.

These two got into me real good and they know what they are doing.
well over 13 grand and counting here.
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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by M Fowler »

I paid in full for a gutted 66 deluxe reverb in June. Received most of it by the end of October, but still waiting on "the final package".
Pretty darn sure that was the same gutted Deluxe Reverb I had made a deal on and then Greg backed out saying he forgot that a close friend wanted that chassis/cab so I was out, thank you :) I hadn't paid that time. Still waiting for details on shipping of the Twin Reverb combo cabinet I paid for.

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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by Firestorm »

Are we really doing this again??? Finally locked the other thread and we've got another one going!! Like I said a few times, let's hope everybody comes out okay. Like Allynmey said, this ain't eBay; I think it's wise to keep the channels open, but if that doesn't work, you guys are going to have to take it to the law (that's why it's there). Staring a judge in the face can straighten you out pretty quick.

Not saying it has to go there, but I would like not to read anymore about this on our collegial forum. At some point, issues like this have to go someplace else.

Sorry to be cranky.
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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by HeeBGB »

I see this as a public service. As long as it doesn't degrade into the same BS the last one did....It's fine.
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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by LeftyStrat »

Firestorm wrote:Are we really doing this again??? Finally locked the other thread and we've got another one going!! Like I said a few times, let's hope everybody comes out okay. Like Allynmey said, this ain't eBay; I think it's wise to keep the channels open, but if that doesn't work, you guys are going to have to take it to the law (that's why it's there). Staring a judge in the face can straighten you out pretty quick.

Not saying it has to go there, but I would like not to read anymore about this on our collegial forum. At some point, issues like this have to go someplace else.

Sorry to be cranky.
I don't think this is a rehash, but more to document those that have been ripped off. As Allyn said, if it turns into bashing, he will close the thread.

This should simply be a check list for the individual in question to right his wrongs.
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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by Firestorm »

LeftyStrat wrote:
Firestorm wrote:Are we really doing this again??? Finally locked the other thread and we've got another one going!! Like I said a few times, let's hope everybody comes out okay. Like Allynmey said, this ain't eBay; I think it's wise to keep the channels open, but if that doesn't work, you guys are going to have to take it to the law (that's why it's there). Staring a judge in the face can straighten you out pretty quick.

Not saying it has to go there, but I would like not to read anymore about this on our collegial forum. At some point, issues like this have to go someplace else.

Sorry to be cranky.
I don't think this is a rehash, but more to document those that have been ripped off. As Allyn said, if it turns into bashing, he will close the thread.

This should simply be a check list for the individual in question to right his wrongs.
Okay. Points taken. I just have so much fun here, I wish we didn't have to do this. But I get it. I'll shut up now.
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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by LeftyStrat »

Firestorm wrote: Okay. Points taken. I just have so much fun here, I wish we didn't have to do this. But I get it. I'll shut up now.
Wish we didn't have to do this either. I'd say 99 percent of the people here are honest.
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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by dreric »

I never bought anything from Greg. With his posts and in PM conversations he seemed, young but a good guy. Sorry to see things in such a mess with some very significant sums of money involved. I could be wrong but, I saw Greg trying to build a reputation and maybe a little business not as someone who was out to play people.

It's happened to me, perhaps some of you can relate, where my life just turned to pure crap in a very short span of time. We all have something that can bring us to our knees and our lives fall apart. Most times it's drugs, maybe the loss of someone, bad influences, debt, money problems, relationships. I've made mistakes and some very poor choices during these times.

I'm not trying to stick up for Greg or to minimize what has happened, merely pointing out that we don't really know Greg's explanation. IMO, I think that our community was, is important to Greg. My sense is that something happened with him and I hope that he comes back and puts things right.

Occasionally, we have our drama but overall I've found nothing but support and generosity in this forum. I've bought and sold things without a single hitch and I will continue to do so.

Hoping for the best for everyone.

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Re: Greg D Clark Debacle (Who Else Is Out Money?)

Post by Teleguy61 »

dreric, I tip my hat to you for the high road taken.
Perhaps there are conversations going on email or pm that involve Greg,
but at least publicly he has not responded to any complaints or accusations.
Facing the music means facing the music.
This is Greg's chance to make it right in this community.