brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by norburybrook »

stelligan wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:08 pm Brindle & handsome. Congratulations!
All things must pass.....
:mrgreen: he is indeed isn't he ;) we weren't really thinking about getting another dog then my daughter send us a picture of him saying he needed rehoming, it was a friend of a friend and they'd been miss sold him as a puppy by some travellers who'd told her he has a collie/poodle cross!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it soon became obvious he wasn't and he started to grow bigger and madder . as an inexperienced first time dog owner , Captain Chaos (Charlie) was just too much for her.

we went to see him and unfortunately that was it!!! he was ours.......then the trouble started :mrgreen:

It's stopped me thinking about Covid 19.... my main concern at the moment is getting his stomach sorted out , probably stress related but we were up every 2 hours the first night .

I've just cooked him chicken and rice to hopefully sort it out, a first in this Vegan household.....Willow our old dog was quite impressed with this new and intoxicating smell coming from the stove :mrgreen:

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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders

Post by pdf64 »

pompeiisneaks wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:00 pm One of the things I was confused about, and maybe you can confirm Marcus, was that the population felt the EU regulations were too prohibitive and restrictive thus why the UK wanted to separate
Yes, that has been a decades long, almost completely baseless fallacy constantly put out by Murdoch. But a lie that gets repeated often enough tends to stick.
But my perception was that the main issues people had was the cost of membership / perception of a wasteful, corrupt bureaucracy (again a decades long Murdoch media narrative, which was what won by brother over) and immigration. In 2004 10 new member states from the old communist bloc central and eastern Europe joined the EU. This was supported by most of the UK's centre / left politicians, most notably the then Labour prime minister Tony Blair. The UK's economy was (apparently!) booming at the time and more workers coming in was seen to be beneficial. Unfortunately, the big mainland European states' economies weren't doing well, so to avoid an influx, they brought in years long transitional arrangements to prevent immigration from the new member states and hence an oversupply in their labour markets, burden on their social security etc. So there was massive immigration into the UK, typically >100k/year, from these somewhat economically backward countries, especially Poland. This caused a significant societal upheaval and consequent backlash against the parties and politicians seen to be responsible for / in support of the change, and against the EU.
The immigration was economically beneficial at the time, but following the global economic crisis, by 2010 jobs became hard to find, and in the low wage sector, Polish were perceived as being hard workers, and so tended to be preferred. As capacity hadn't been increased to keep pace in the good years, schools, healthcare, transport and other social structures were being stretched past breaking point by the increased populations, and even up here in the north midlands, it became unusual to hear English being spoken in town centres, and people felt alienated in their own areas.

Hence the demographics that used to support the centre/left began to despise the elites that instigated the changes, old party allegiances crumbled, and the new anti EU populist party began to win votes. That led to the anti EU wing of the now governing Conservative party becoming ever more powerful, and forcing the brexit referendum.
...The problem is that, a very large portion of the UK's profit generation comes form exports TO the EU that will still have the exact same regulations required to be sold in the EU... Is that correct? If so, doesn't the whole 'purpose' of the brexit defeat itself?
Pretty much, hence my description of the current government as craven liars. OK, that's always been the case to some degree with political leaders, but the shameless of this lot when caught out in lies and mischief takes it a whole new level. They just don't care about even trying to hold themselves accountable or acknowledge what is factual. Their approach is to control the narrative and carry on regardless.
The UK is screwed; within the next 10 years, Scotland will break away, Northern Ireland will finally unify with Eire, England and Wales will become a backwater theme park :(
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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders

Post by johnnyreece »

pdf64 wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:22 pmBut then even my big brother, who’s a clever guy and certainly nobody’s fool, voted for it.
I don't want to delve too far into politics (although, I'd love to...), this is the thing that surprised me the most with all that has happened in the world. It used to be that the crazies were ignored, but now people are listening. Smart people included! Not to mention, anyone who tries to point out when some of the outlandish claims aren't true, they're labeled 'Fake News'. I'm only 38, so my experience isn't that great, but a lot of it feels like what I read about in school with McCarthyism. My hope is, history looks back on a lot of what's going on today the way we looked at McCarthy when I was in school. I'm sorry that, in the meantime, it's causing so much difficulty with a hobby that's supposed to be fun.

On a side note, congrats on the pupper! I have a destructive toddler, so I feel your pain, but also understand the joy.
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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by norburybrook »

I've had destructive toddlers in the past but it was 25 odd years ago, actually not true I have 2 grand kids so fairly recently :D you can hand them back though :D

@pdf64 , yes absolutely agree with everything you said. I live in London , and in one of the most multicultural areas so my immediate friends and neighbours are from all corners of the world so in a lot of ways there's less obvious fear/racism/Xenophobia than in a provincial town, also London is still a place with opportunity , if you want a job there's one here somewhere if you don't mind what it is. The issue is the cost of living here so low paid jobs are always available as it's hard to make the rent on a job like that.

anyway just pointing out that London is different to the provinces in a lot of ways but you're correct in how people fell into the immigrants taking our jobs line. The whole cost of membership argument was really a joke, I think it was less then 1% of our GDP and we benefitted greatly from it. The irony of it all was/is that quite a few places that had heavy leave majorities were actually poor towns that had had massive EU grants to help them build their economy or subsidise their farmers or businesses.

The finger up against the elites was definitely a big factor, as yo say after 5 years of austerity measures that basically screwed the people at the bottom the hardest they had nothing left but their vote and that vote was worth the same as a CEO of a world bank in a referendum. They knew the elites wanted to stay so they just voted against the elites view whatever that was, despite shooting themselves in the foot in a rowing boat.

Will be interesting to see how this pans out. I'm generally an optimist but we're in for some hard times I feel, and as someone who's income is tied up 100% from music tha makes me quite nervous about the future of my profession.


p.s. it's a refreshing change to have a sensible, intelligent discussion on politics on the internet..I've learned to stay clear generally but felt it was relevant to UK buiders to post about post brexit and what that means
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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp with puppy photos

Post by harleytech »

norburybrook wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:08 am right then we've got that out of the way :)

Did I mention the new dog?

meet Charlie the Lurcher, I think he's a 6 month old Whippet/Greyhound puppy. We've re homed him as his last owner couldn't cope..............after 3 days I now know why.....!!!!!

I feel like a shell shock new parent at the moment, sleep deprived, hair unwashed, brain fog, sweat pants...... :mrgreen: people tell me it will be worth it in the long run....

fortunately our old Lurcher Willow (Greyhound /Collie cross) who is now 14 thinks he's great and has been , like she's been all her life just the Zen master ... I wish I was like her at this moment.



That's a Puppy ? I can't wait to see him grown up...
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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by pompeiisneaks »

Thanks for the info guys, very interesting.

I feel this sounds very much like what's happened here in the US. I personally blame ALL the politicians for focusing on how to make giant corporations profit more at the cost of us the citizens. They peddled the lies that immigration was killing us too, when in fact it is what made the USA what it is.

It's sad humans can't remember the past, and learn from it.

In the past, the Italians ruined the USA... somewhere along the line those filthy Irish ruined it... then came the ... (insert immigrant group here) but oddly all of them ended up making the USA a better place... isn't that odd? :D

I'm hoping too that this insanity will be a McCarthy level cautionary tale, but that all in all we'll come out the other side with not too much destruction.

If you look at any immigrant, their goal is "get away from my currently stressed/horrible/wartorn life to somewhere that seems better, and do all I can to make my life happier" shouldn't we all want to help in that endeavor?

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by Charlie Wilson »

Phil, you don't live in California.
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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by BobSimpson »

Phil, your heart may be in the right place, but IMHO, your head is not.
Please look at what a mess unrestricted immigration / invasion by those
who do not want to integrate has made of Europe.
The Visigoths are at our door and our politicians are gleefully expediting our downfall.
Perhaps we should talk about some pleasant, like a good dose of the shingles or something.
Back to puppies, maybe?

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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by pompeiisneaks »

Charlie Wilson wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:15 pm Phil, you don't live in California.
I did live in california for just shy of 5 years...

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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by pompeiisneaks »

BobSimpson wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:27 pm Phil, your heart may be in the right place, but IMHO, your head is not.
Please look at what a mess unrestricted immigration / invasion by those
who do not want to integrate has made of Europe.
The Visigoths are at our door and our politicians are gleefully expediting our downfall.
Perhaps we should talk about some pleasant, like a good dose of the shingles or something.
Back to puppies, maybe?

Bob, Your statements could use some actual backup of data, but... again, no point, as the discussion went from casual opinion to insult so that's where it stops. Your quote could literally be taken from newspapers in the early US times specifically relating to the Italian or Irish immigrants, per my previous point.

Again, I fail to understand why people refuse to have respect for one another and instead stoop to denigrating others instead of finding the others right to disagree as perfectly normal and okay.

You have every right to your opinion, and this is probably where the political discussion should stop...

Your indication I'm dumb
...your head is not...
doesn't progress anything, and therefore becomes the point I stop talking because instead of treating one another with respect, you've insulted me. It's clear we need to stop this thread in it's tracks. This is why we can't have political discussions ever anywhere in any forum, online space or in person anymore, because nobody cares to treat each other with respect.

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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by Charlie Wilson »

Phil, this thread started as a political disscusion with words like racist being thrown out and nobody seemed to bothered.
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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by BobSimpson »

I did not mean to insult your intelligence.
I'm sorry you took it that way.


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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by pompeiisneaks »

Charlie Wilson wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:30 am Phil, this thread started as a political disscusion with words like racist being thrown out and nobody seemed to bothered.
That was directed specifically at the british populus, and was an opinion and wasn't directed at any specific forum members.

I am bothered by racism for sure. It exists for sure.

But that's again too political for some, and I don't see how it is politics to condemn or recognize racism?

I feel in general humans should be able to speak their opinions without personal attacks at others. Is that an unclear line? I know everyone tries to make things clear black or clear white but that doesn't exist in the real world.

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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by pompeiisneaks »

BobSimpson wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:19 am Phil,
I did not mean to insult your intelligence.
I'm sorry you took it that way.


I agree puppies... I would definitely like to understand the meaning if I did misunderstand... I took that to mean "I act and believe based on my heart but don't have the intellect to actually understand reality". What DID you mean by
Phil, your heart may be in the right place, but IMHO, your head is not.
then so I understand it wasn't directed at my intellect/brain/comprehension of the world etc.?

I also fully understand that text based communication doesn't convey intent very well, so apologies if I misunderstood.

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Re: brexit has really messed up UK amp builders- now with puppy photos

Post by Charlie Wilson »

pompeiisneaks wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:30 am
Charlie Wilson wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:30 am Phil, this thread started as a political disscusion with words like racist being thrown out and nobody seemed to bothered.
That was directed specifically at the british populus, and was an opinion and wasn't directed at any specific forum members.

I am bothered by racism for sure. It exists for sure.

But that's again too political for some, and I don't see how it is politics to condemn or recognize racism?

I feel in general humans should be able to speak their opinions without personal attacks at others. Is that an unclear line? I know everyone tries to make things clear black or clear white but that doesn't exist in the real world.

Phil, I think you missed my point and you may not like my opinion. The idea that all the people voted for something because they are racist is...well pretty offensive. Whether you live in the UK or you voted a certain way in in the USA. Again my opinion, not directed at a specific person, and yes political, Liberals have thing about if you disagree with them you are bad, racist, stupid, etc. and when you call them on it they get angry and don't want to talk. This sh.t is getting pretty old. :evil: Getting back to the topic in reverse, all the places I used to buy things from in the UK won't sell to the USA at any price anymore. Is that brexit or...?
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