Cap can cap lifted off a bit during install

Marshall Amp Discussion

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Cap can cap lifted off a bit during install

Post by pjd3 »

Heyo there.

During the installation of my two F & T cap cans The "can" part lifted a bit off the base. As far as I know, those cap cans are actually 2 independent capacitors inside the can and sharing a common ground. I felt I needed to just check in to make sure nothing got destroyed. Im hoping that the outer can is neither electrically nor mechanically connected to the inner caps in a critical manner that it should be OK.

After Hole dozing the openings for the caps, I had the bright idea to gently superglue the outer part of the base (lug end) to the chassis, just to have a visual indication that they were centered on the holes while I fitted the clamps to mark the holes. Well, guess they were superglued down a little better than I intended and when I inadvertently pushed on them, the covers lifted off the edge of the end just an 1/8th of an inch or so. I didn't rip them apart to look inside, I just prayed that what happened wouldn't cause any physical or electrical damage that would affect the performance or safety of the caps inside.

I though I was being clever but, it turned out to be a real bone-head move. Wasn't the first.

I’m only one person (most of the time)
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