Plexi6v6 switchable PPIMV bypass

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Plexi6v6 switchable PPIMV bypass

Post by deiseldave »

Hello, I built a Plexi6v6 (thanks to some help from members here), and put in a PPIMV. I'm happy with the clean tone with master maxed out, but when I boost the input with overdrive pedal(s), it gets too loud before I get the preamp crunch I want.
I'm thinking I could set my clean tone with master maxed, and then adjust the master to have the drive volume I want, and when I switch bypass the PPIMV master, that would be my clean tone, and when I activate the master, I could have my drive volume right.
Sorry for the long description. Can someone help me with this? Thanks.
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Post by Stevem »

Let me make it simple , the only good way to have your cake and eat it too is to build a speaker attenuator that you can switch in and out on the fly!

Otherwise you will never get the cranked sound out of the amp that you built it for in the first place, period!
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Re: Plexi6v6 switchable PPIMV bypass

Post by deiseldave »

Stevem - Thanks for the reply. I've gotta say though, the Plexi6V6's output dimed is a nice compressed clean on the verge of breakup, at just enough volume to get over the drums.
When I drive the input, and roll back the master to about 6, I have a crunch tone that I like, and it is only a little bit louder than my clean tone. So I'm thinking that adding some relays to simply switch the master in and out should satisfy me with this amp.
I'm sure your method would be more useful to me with a 50W or 100W amp. Thanks again, for the reply.
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Re: Plexi6v6 switchable PPIMV bypass

Post by JoeCon »

What I do with my Plexi 6V6 (no PPIMV) is set my guitar volume around 5-6 and get a loud and clean tone using the bright and normal channel volumes.

Then when I want to solo I roll up the volume on the guitar and have a nice lead tone. I tailor that tone by using the tone control on the guitar.

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Re: Plexi6v6 switchable PPIMV bypass

Post by deiseldave »

Thanks JoeCon - That's what I've been doing, but then my pedals get different input volumes (compressor, etc). Plus, I notice a difference in tone more doing that, than adjusting the MV. Probably too much cable capacitance.
Either way, I got with Dave at Collossal, and ordered a relay kit. He is helping me offline. Super cool dude. Thanks again.
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Re: Plexi6v6 switchable PPIMV bypass

Post by JoeCon »


So your building an MV bypass switch? So you'll set your clean set up, say vol at 50% and MV bypassed, then switch the MV in but hit the input with an OD pedal??

Dave is a very nice guy, he helped me a lot when I was building my Plexi 6V6 amp so he knows that thing inside out. I'm sure you'll get what you want.

Be sure to tell us how that works out...

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Re: Plexi6v6 switchable PPIMV bypass

Post by deiseldave »

Joe Con - Just the opposite. My clean will have input dialed in to be just on the verge of mild overdrive, but still clean, and MV maxed out (or in this case switched out). Then the crunch tone will have the input hit with overdrive pedal, and clean boost, and have master dialed back a little, to where it is just a little louder than clean tone.
Yes, Dave is a nice guy, and appears to really know his stuff. I will let you know how things work out. Thanks again.
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Re: Plexi6v6 switchable PPIMV bypass

Post by pamaz67 »

I'm going to do exactly the same thing on a very nice amp ( think a preamp from a DrZ Carmen Ghia and a power amp from a 50w dumble, equipped with partridge style irons).
I'm doing a 2 ch version where the pre is simply doubled and in one case will be direct to the power amp for clean sounds, otherwise the PPIMV will come in, a nd i'll get a cranked sound with a master . I'm going to understand in the next days whether it's necessary or not to make any kind of adaptation to the lar mar in order to use a relay switch, or if it's the case to use vactrols to bypass the PPIMV
Ciao from Italy.
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