Dumble and Line6

Overdrive Special, Steel String Singer, Dumbleland, Odyssey, Winterland, etc. -
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Dumble and Line6

Post by WhopperPlate »

Hey y’all

I don’t know if this story has been told ever by anyone else, but a good friend of mine who was a long time friend and associate of Dumble had told about a time about a decade or more ago where he was hanging with a friend who was talking to Dumble over the telephone . It was mentioned that my friend was in the room to Dumble and he asked to put him on the line .

They began to chat and dumble told him how he had recently just returned from a trip to the Line6 factory. Dumble explained that they had invited him out to apparently present to him their Dumble amp modeler . They had setup a room at the factory with an amp and dumbles “favorite” Stratocaster type guitar, and he sat down and played .

He told my friend “they did it, they copied my sound”, and he then explained how he proceeded to stand up , place the guitar down on its stand and walked for the door, turning around before
Left to say “ you will be hearing from my lawyers”

And that’s the story . I thought it was

Seems to correlate pretty well with all of the other stories from others concerning his unique and stubborn behavior. Whether or not you agree with his choices, I gotta say at least he was true to himself until the end.

Cheers yall
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