Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Jana »

Is this thread dying? I already bought popcorn and refreshments.
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Clyde »

No doubt you'll be wearing your tinfoil hat whilst consuming said comestibles.
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Plexified »

I guess I should of waited to talk about it .

I said I had not perfected the concept , and thought It would be an interesting topic away from the norm. Am I to just suppose you are going to get back to just cloning another amp and not try to shake the trees to see whats next ? Because I saw some pretty cool real life stuff work and defy a lot of peoples understanding .They just laugh at it because they don't understand it .

When I figure out how to impliment resonant control in various ways in a circuit I'll make sure I just keep it to myself , so I don't have to edure the tin foil hat jokes . And for the record , its not tin foil its , alumimum . I prefer the Reynolds heavy duty . It has better reception . But really if your gonna make fun of me , you can do better than that bro . Light me up .
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Jana »

You really need to do your research and look at multiple sources. You are doing what I see some of my students do--latch on to the source that supports your predetermined opinion. If you research Tesla a bit deeper, you will find that he was 86 years old when he died of a blood clot in the heart. He was old, he died. His belongings were seized and examined to see if there was anything that would be harmful if it fell in the "wrong hands". It was determined that there wasn't. Eventually his possessions (including all his notes and journals) were shipped to his estate in Belgrade.

There is no doubt that Tesla was a brilliant man. But, to latch onto these conspiracy theories is a bit shallow in critical thinking.
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Blackburn »

All conspiracy theories aside, we'll just rely on the facts...

...That Tesla accidently caused the Tunguska Event in Siberia in 1908. This we know. And FWIW, I also prefer Reynolds Heavy Duty. It has a faster response and better fidelity. :P
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Bob S »

Tesla was a genius.
All things vibrate at their frequency.
Resonance is good - the Moody Blues were right.
Harmonics, even or odd depending on the mood.
Swell & bloom. A sound that is spiritual.
I like popcorn too.
And red wine.
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by donzoid »

Perhaps the reason none of the items that were seized and examined after his death; then returned to his estate weren't deemed any danger because the government folks who were doing the examining were too damn stupid to realize what they were looking at.

Granted that's opinion, with critical thinking interspersed where I feel like it.

If we look at history, men who were radical visionary geniuses like Tesla, are usually burned at the stake, jailed, or politically smeared until they cannot pursue their vision. I look forward to the invention of time travel, so we may interview these types in person.

What conspiracy? My tinfoil is extra heavy duty.

Be sure your tinfoil hat has a good low impedance ground.
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by cbass »

Im q big fan of Tesla . I don't know about all the theories and stuff. I do know throughout history science never understands as much as they think they do. Seems like they are always ready to jump on anew theory and call it the answer to everything but nothing is brought up when there therioes are proven wrong . the big bang theory? Really? Come on I could assert that the universe was fromed out of pistachio pudding. It holds just as much water. Don't get me wrong I love science and am amazed by all the advancements and the amount we are able to understand. I'm just skeptical
Facts that we do know. Tesla's main goal was to produce free energy for everyone on earth . equal access for everyone. When his backers figured this out they revolted not only did theu withdraw their money but they wanted his research shutdown all together.How close he was to that I don't know. But its fun to think about. People are so close minded they just think in terms of what they no now and not what could be. Sure laws apply to matter in the world we understand doesn't mean they apply elsewhere.
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Bob S »

Laws of physics are only laws until they are disproved.
Just because an equation works in the world as we know it doesn't mean it's correct or complete. Tesla thought outside the box for sure - way outside.
Magnetic soup inside our amps contributes to the resonant sounds we perceive from the speakers. Frequencies & Resonance!
Reynolds foil works good in the microwave oven by the way. Make sure to wrap it around an extra large egg & use the high setting to cook for 2 minutes.
You know you want to try it.
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Plexified »

I had great reception last night with the heavy duty Reynolds wrap . And it was not my intention , because I was regretting posting . But all of a sudden I had a viewpoint that might make sense to why I did this . First I love cars , guitars , motorcyles and the side car Harley came to mind . Its a cool bike and you see trikes around but rarely a side car . But they are cool . This concept is like a side car . An additional twist on a ordinary military bike .
Now obviously nobody had taken the time to view the Tesla pump or power plant or even his power grid . Because they all worked and even powered a car . So , hey grab some popcorn .

I post these two clips because they are the most simplistic and they are working examples I have used myself . The thing is , I am not selling something or have any special interest other than technology that I found in Teslas work . I do not have a vid to show Teslas free energy , but it was done in a college lab in California where power was received tens of feet away through the air . Aside from that its straight forward . Resonance is the issue and let me say this .

Would you not be interested in a self powered amplifier that could have the entire circuit be tuned with resonance . It alters peaks , valleys and overall ability to do so . In addition economy of a watt of output is changed . Here we introduce a whole number of tubes into the design equation . Single ended and different classes become apparent . What painter does not aspire to find more colors ?
Its a canvas , and we want the maximum control over that canvas in terms of color and outreach before we reach hologram status .

So there it is . Popcorn ? Try picking up a bag of Kale . Put it on a cookie sheet , shower it with a spray of olive oil and bake at 350 for about 10 minutes . Boom , popcorn ? No super food . This is no joke and the history of Tesla was correct . He was killed . For his assault on monopoly money . Have a Chase card in your pocket ? well you support the killers of Tesla .

Sponsored by Reynolds wrap .
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Clyde »

And WITTS wants you to send them money. Charlatans!
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Plexified »

Actually they produce that unit in asia and deliver them to towns off the power grid all over the world . Just helping out the less fortunate around the world . It was what Tesla wanted his work to accomplish . The first units where delivered in Teslas home town where there are no power lines . each home is independent
How about just let it go . I think I am pretty much done with this at this point . There is enough going on in the world to find a bad vibe here.
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by Jana »

Do you actually believe what you just wrote?

It looks like in that first video that it is pretty simple and easy to build once you have the right idea/blueprint.

If this is all about free energy and saving the world, why doesn't someone patent it and then release the plans and patent to the world? If this really is about altruism, why send money to a startup to build a factory so the dark forces can then destroy the factory to keep it all hidden? :)
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by statorvane »

Not one to dampen your enthusiasm, but I don't get it. Is this resonance approach or idea of your's supposed to apply to amplifiers or sound production?
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Re: Resonance , its not just for breakfast anymore ....

Post by roberto »

How can we dissipate all that energy without passing through heat?
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