how to tune an amp to a specific guitar and player?

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Re: how to tune an amp to a specific guitar and player?

Post by Gaz »

I find it's pretty intuitive and fun if the player likes the style or amp's topology to begin with, but I've built an amp for a guy thought who he wanted a 50-watt Plexi, when he really wanted a 120-watt Twin. There wasn't much I could do about that one...
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Ken Moon
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Re: how to tune an amp to a specific guitar and player?

Post by Ken Moon »

I was talking with a guitar player last weekend who said he wanted me to build him a Deluxe Reverb-type amp, but from his description, I think he really wants a Twin Reverb or Dual Showman Reverb, or maybe something like a blackface Pro with one 15.

When I said "so you're really looking for a huge, open yet powerful bass sound behind your clean tone, so you can get that "punch" when you hit the strings a little harder, right?" And you want it to stay clean no matter how loud you go, right?"

And he said "exactly - wow, you've just described the tone of a Deluxe Reverb perfectly!"

(and any attempt to steer the discussion outside the usual Fender amps was met with a glazed look...)

:shock: :roll:
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M Fowler
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Re: how to tune an amp to a specific guitar and player?

Post by M Fowler »

I 'd give him the one channel Twin Reverb in a Deluxe cab.

Maybe he was really thinking along the lines of the first edition Mesa Boogie Hotrodding.

That raw power should make him happy. :)

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Ken Moon
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Re: how to tune an amp to a specific guitar and player?

Post by Ken Moon »

That's a great idea, Mark :)

No use getting into details that would bore him anyways - just give him what he wants - with the right speaker (maybe an EV or JBL?), a single-channel 4x6L6 combo would be fun, like a Chevy Vega with a 454 :shock:
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Re: how to tune an amp to a specific guitar and player?

Post by fusionbear »

Sometimes you just have to say no, but do it with class. There are guys that are so finicky and usually play horribly that want an amp that will make them sound like _______ (insert name) and you know that no matter what you do, you won't be able to help the guy. So, I usually will say to that guy: What you want exceeds my expertise, why do you call so and so and see if he can help you...
Learning to learn...
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M Fowler
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Re: how to tune an amp to a specific guitar and player?

Post by M Fowler »

Ken, exactly he doesn't understand the details anyway.

Build it your way but the sound he has in his mind. After that it is up to the player. :)

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