Free Parts

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Free Parts

Post by mcrracer »

No, I am not giving any more away, at least not right now. I just want some other people's thoughts on this subject. When I started here a guy who will remain nameless, helped me out by sending me quite a few parts for free just to help me get started. Several other people on this and other forums have sent free tubes and other parts to me. Granted I am retired on a disability and had to retire early and can no longer work. But my son and I are comfortable. I love this hobby of amp building because it is something, even with my disabilities , that I still can do and enjoy. I passed on my blessings and gave away a couple of boxes of parts myself. Strange thing though, neither guy bothered to acknowledge that they got them with a thank you. I tried this on a couple of bass player forums where I gave away quite a few sets of brand new pickups. I used to be a dealer for a pickup company. I said one set to a customer and guys still emailed begging for multiples. These were free mind you and they still were being greedy. And out of all those pickups I gave away, not one thank you. I chalked it up to a bunch of ingrateful kids over there, but I thought this forum was a more mature intelligent crowd. I was to the point where I was going to suggest a sort of ongoing " send some freebies to the new guy" movement. But now I don't think so. Times are hard for a lot of people, but when guys can't show A little common courtesy I don't think I will be giving away anything any more. Comments?
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Re: Free Parts

Post by Phil_S »

It is true that some people were never taught by their parents (doesn't matter how old you are, this is taught in the formative years and sticks with you) to do the appropriate thing, or they were, and for some reason we can't understand, they think they are exempt from the generally accepted standard. This doesn't mean it's everyone, and I wouldn't be too quick to generalize. Clearly, you've had experience with some obnoxious people.

There are some things I've received through another forum that were not of great monetary value, but, nevertheless were valuable to me. These include a vintage knob for a Gibson Scout amp, teflon wire, a cheap knockoff Dremel tool, and some other goodies. I always make a point to say thanks for both material goods and when someone helps me at a forum. I just received a box of wire I purchased on eBay and the guy said he would throw in stuff to fill up the box. I got switches, caps, extra wire, fuse holders, pilot lights, pots and other stuff, some of which I can't use, but much of it is nice to have and the value of the bonuses is equal to the wire.

Recently, I purchased an older inexpensive 'scope from eBay and it had a few problems, one of which was the fault of the seller, who did a poor packing job that resulted in a broken horizontal pot. Said pot was about 35-40 years old and made of unobtanium, a 2-gang 1KB front and 5KB rear. Well, with a little help, I was able to get an understanding of how to modify a 2 gang pot and ended up with a perfectly good replacement. It was my first time on a PCB and someone told me how to deal with that, as it was cracked. The same guy went out of his way to look for a manual that could be downloaded for free and settled on one that was similar but not the right one. Finally, another guys says, "I'll stop by the storage locker and see if I have it". He sent me the original and told me I could have it on permanent loan if I would find a way to post it on the internet...and he helped me to find a way to do that. My job was to scan the manual and transfer the file.

I've sent small things to people so they wouldn't get eaten alive by shipping charges for a $1 part. One of those guys said thanks by sending me the cheapo dremel-like thing, a very unexpected sort of generousity.

My goal in sharing this is to let you and anyone else know, there are lots of good experiences with generous people on forums, but, in nearly every case, the sharing of goods was done off line with people I'd gotten to "know". Alas, we are all strangers here in cyberspace; let's not be fooled. Don't let a few jackasses get you down.
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Re: Free Parts

Post by gahult »

I have also received a "care package" from a member here which was very much appreciated. It was like XMas revisited. :)
A very well thought out package of useful items.

At sometime it will become time to "pay it forward". Hopefully I will see the opportunity and be able to do it.

The common courtesy of a "Thank you for your help" or "I appreciate your help" is sometimes over looked.
It's only a few keystrokes but, it's always a good thing to take the time to says thanks to those that take the time to help you.

There are a lot of people here that have helped me with my builds from start to finish.
It has made exploring a new territory/pastime a lot easier.

Now if some one would just help the Red Wings get the puck past the Pittsburgh goalie. :twisted:

Thanks Again to the helpful crew here. :D

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Re: Free Parts

Post by tubeswell »

A while back I sent some trimpots to a guy in a 3rd-world country who I took pity on because he just couldn't obtain any and he is a tech who keeps a whole community of 3rd world musicians amps functioning in against the most frustrating odds, so it was for a good cause (tube amps right?), and I sure as hell know what its like to live in a place where you just can't get many parts (and have to make a lot of your own). It was only a couple of dollars worth and was nicks to post and made me feel good. Did I fall for a ruse? - I don't have any cause to suspect so at this stage, so I continue in the 'Anyhow I couldn't care less' zone enjoying my selfish good feelings. The guy was genuinely appreciative and thanked me, but he probably will never be able to reciprocate. But I don't care about that. I believe its more important to undertake acts of kindness now and again, where you think, according to your judgement, that it is warranted. Otherwise the world will become a harder meaner place to live than it already is. But for the most part, as I myself find materials and parts hard quite hard to come by in this tube-amp-building-backwater of the globe, I must confess to hogging far more of what I purchase for myself. So I'm very selective about who I donate parts to.
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Re: Free Parts

Post by soma_hero »

I'm building a cab for a 2x10 Trex and Blind Lemon kindly gave me his dimensions he used for a similar style cab when I messaged him. I got the dimensions and just started building and a few days later he reminded me I forgot to thank him! I genuinely appreciated the information and even more so the reminder that I didn't say thank you. I got so excited I just plain forgot. It's good to remind people every now and then that hey, you need to say thank you.

I'd say yes, choose who you give parts to or other free stuff, but I want to be the kind of person who is always willing to risk on people. It's good to sacrifice for the sake of community, and sometimes absolutely necessary. Thanks to you guys that generously give out parts and advice. I've been on both ends and it is an incredible thing to know the collective DIY community we're a part of.
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Re: Free Parts

Post by Andy Le Blanc »

Every now and again it does work out, and sometimes you get bent over.
Thank you's are very welcoming, they open the door. The community I
participate in here after years of positive interaction has allowed those
few who are aware, to move forward positively. It sounds nice, but Ive been
stiffed so many times over years it's depressing. Dont waste your time on
those you feel used by. But dont be too afraid either

Pay'in it forward for me has gotten me the chance this year to find and get
access to the better venues, better audience, learning from a 30 year pro
doing live sound the right way, you just never know what the return is.
The best thank you's is some kind of positive relation ship whether or not
your aware of it.
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Re: Free Parts

Post by dehughes »

I had a gentleman (from the Top Hat forum and the Gear Page) whom I only knew via e-mail/forum conversations mail to me for a housewarming present (when my wife and I purchased our home) a nicely broken in Celestion Blue. What a gift! I'll never forget that (thanks Peter!), and have it set aside now for a special amp creation. There are good people out there...don't give up hope...

(and yes, I profusely thanked him...) ;)
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Re: Free Parts

Post by Structo »

Yeah, I'm not sure if the younger generation is clueless about good manners or what.

I'm 52, so I'm a baby boomer and was brought up in a home where we were taught manners, respect our elders and to be generally nice to everyone.

My brother is seven years younger and I think his generation was the one they called Generation X.
He never learned how to do much for himself. While I was working on cars or motorcycles, he was off skate boarding with his buddies.
To this day he is utterly helpless when it comes to anything that requires some thinking or mechanical prowess.

I think the current generation of young adults are called Generation Y, but I like to call them the "Me Generation".
I have never seen a more clueless generation of kids coming up.

When we grew up, you had to pay your dues to gain respect and to be responsible.
We learned how to fix things, do things for ourselves.
We didn't go out and buy two new cars. We paid cash for a second hand car.
We didn't go buy on credit the biggest TV set made or the fanciest surround sound audio system. (Of course those weren't around then).

We didn't buy the latest appliances or new furniture on credit.
We either got second hand furniture or if we were fortunate, somebody would give us there old stuff.

mcrracer, I understand how frustrating some of this must be for you, because you are in a difficult position.
Please don't let a few ill mannered people jade your opinion of the many that do practice good manners.
Just like soma_hero mentioned, he got so excited about his stuff he forgot to thank the guy. That can happen.
There may be extenuating circumstances you are not aware of that prevented someone from saying thanks.
Of course there are a few that really are clueless, they don't know they did something rude because perhaps they were not taught to be courteous.
Don't know.

But, something I learned long ago, is that you are setting yourself up for disappointment when you expect things from people.
I don't mean to sound harsh at all. I expect to be treated with good manners and I treat other respectfully.

But, something I realized is, if you can't afford to loan the money on the chance that it won't be repaid, you shouldn't loan it in the first place.
You have to think, I may never see this again.
That way, it won't be so upsetting if the person disappoints you by not paying it back.

This forum has been a godsend to me because back when I was in school (college) we didn't spend much time on tube theory.
The instructor was very much pro solid state and said tubes were obsolete.
Sheesh! That was in 1977 and was he ever wrong!

So I will say THANK YOU ALL and as a result I try to help others when there is something I have to offer with my limited knowledge about tube theory.

Geez, I didn't mean to write a book.......

Thank you all Amp Garage.

Thanks to Omar for starting this forum and thank you to Allyn Meyers for stepping up to keep this forum alive.
Last edited by Structo on Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Free Parts

Post by Noel Grassy »

I too was forced into retirement at 50 and have a fixed [as in aint movin', not repaired!] income and have the severe DIY tube amp & FX pedal jones.

The good experiences far out weigh the crappy for me. Oddly enough I hadn't even thought about the disrespectful folks who are overtly greedy or discourteous.
As the others have suggested, don't give up on all forum members. Like my folks taught me, recognize the good and bad in all walks of life. I will hasten to add, "Trample the greedy & discourteous as their kind will not do".

Noel Grassy.
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Re: Free Parts

Post by Normster »

Great posts, all. I'd like to pretend that it doesn't bother me when I help people out and they don't show any gratitude, but I'm not that noble. :oops: However, as Tom points out, "you are setting yourself up for disappointment when you expect things from people." Thanks for the reminder that I shouldn't project my personal ethics onto anyone else. Ultimately, if giving isn't enough of a reward in and of itself, then maybe I'm not as grounded as I think I am. :wink:
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Re: Free Parts

Post by mcrracer »

Thanks for all of the responses. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't the one who was off base. Don't get me wrong I am not upset and my views that people are basically good have not changed. I was just making an observation of our little forum community. I have "met" a bunch of cool people who are much more knowledgeable than myself and who freely share their expertise. I am very grateful and make it a point to let people know they are appreciated. We all are only human and have our failings, it's just those who consistantly take, take, take and or are greedy that arouses my ire. I don't give expecting anything in return. As a matter of fact the day I was truly blessed by a huge care package I had given earlier that same day, an automatic blood pressure machine to another patient at the hospital I go to for my weekly life extending treatments. I had overheard his doctor telling him he needed to get one and I could tell from his response that he could not afford to buy one. I had two of them that were practically new and I only needed one. I passed a blessing to another human being and when I got home from the hospital UPS drove up .I firmly believe as long as I do what God has asked me to do. helping those who are less fortunate, I will be blessed by receiving all that I need. But even with that knowledge I still give from my heart with no thought of receiving anything for myself. I appreciate all of the people on this forum as I can learn something from everyone. Well back to my Express build. More parts came in by post office Saturday and I am just finishing up an ex-Marshall SS combo with a 10" speaker I gutted. Built a SE EL34 / 6U8 amp in there and am looking for a 10" speaker with a SPL of 100db or better...preferably used. Sounds real good on an Eminence Legend 1058.
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Re: Free Parts

Post by M Fowler »

I arrived late to this discussion but felt it is such a good post that I needed to response late or not.

I have received so much from the folks at this forum I make sure that I thank eveyone and if I didn't I was wrong not to. It's funny because when I talk to my wife I use first names and she goes who is Gary? who is Ron, or Ben? I forget she is not a part of this wonderful community. She realized I was spending one hell of a lot of time on the computer so she got me a new desk and stuff chair. What a sweet heart.

Keep on giving and it will pay back a thousand times and will put a smile on the one you helped as well as yourself. :)

Thanks guys.

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Re: Free Parts

Post by benoit »

I've been on both sides of this deal in the coupla years I've been hanging out here, exactly once each. If you're looking for a cool way to thank someone, beyond just saying the obvious, send build pics when you're done! Although I've had a 100% thankyou rate on this forum, I'll echo what someone else said: do it because you want to help someone out, and never expect anything in return. Even if you know 'em, even if they offered to pay you back... I will never make a loan to someone I care about. I'll straight out give 'em as much as I can afford, but a loan is to a friendship as golf is to a nice walk.
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Re: Free Parts

Post by drhulsey »

I have had a few opportunities in years past to give something away anonymously. It was usually monetary and could be done through someone I trusted to get the money where it belonged. I did it because I didn't want to look like Mighty Mouse* flying in to save the day! It was great fun.
It's harder to do that on a forum since you have to get addresses, etc. I've always gotten thank you's from folks who knew where the gift came from. I knew the thank you would come before I sent the package, but I didn't HAVE to get one to make it worth while.
But that's just me. YMMV :!:
Noel :!: Where'd you get pictures of me and my twin brother :?: Better get permission next time :evil:

*Mighty Mouse: a cartoon character from the 60's
Last edited by drhulsey on Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Free Parts

Post by D-Day »

Just for future reference guys, I always say thank you when given free stuff. I can PM my address to any interested parties :wink:
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