ODS #004 For Sale

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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by glasman »

FUCHSAUDIO wrote:Uh, that source was originally me...lol. This stuff just runs around the interweb don't it ?

It was handed to me by the HAO pedal guy at a NAMM show. He was fawning over my amps saying "greatest Dumble style tone", and said "maybe you would like this....I drew this myself " and gave it to me. Never saw another amp even close to this diagram. Strange stuff indeed. Nicely drawn though.....
I dont remember at all where the hecl I got it from....

Had it for a few years....
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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by ER »

Remember that thread a while back where everyone was listing their favorite topos and they seemed to follow chronologically with earlier being more favored?

Thanks Marcos!
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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by Max »

Structo wrote:Yeah, whoever drew that is not the best draftsman.
Hi Tom,

as far as I remember the "history" of the schematics marcos has posted here, they have been done around 15 years ago and are quick and dirty first hand drawn scribbles. Some weeks after a first check and bias service the then new owner did ask his tech if he could have a schematic for his personal info and fun.

So, as far as I remember, the tech, because his shop was located far away from the owner's place, did draw it just based on his memory and some few notes that he had taken while this first check in regard to some differences between this specimen of an ODS and other ODS amps this tech was familiar with.

So it was done in an

"O. K., to stop you guy being such a nuisance, I send you these scribbles as a first info. It’s what it is, not a professional schematic and based only on my memory and some few notes, but still better than nothing. Next time you'll visit me or I'll visit you I'll correct it and then you'll get a detailed and 100% correct professional version."


And of course these scribbles haven't been meant to be published anyway.

These are the reasons why – as some here noticed - there are some typos, some missing values, some missing parts and some inaccuracies and faults etc. in this "schematic".
Now I am rather sure that no one here thinks that he should be blamed for a perhaps still rather mediocre quality of something with a provisional character - like e. g. some private tape or mp3-file of his band - that he has given to a trusted friend together with the information "provisional and still with bugs and for your personal fun only" - after surprisingly finding it published in the internet. (BTW: No blame on marcos of course! Being the genetleman he is, he will for sure have been granted the permission for the internet publication by the tech who has drawn theses provisional scribbles. For sure he would never be so impolite as to publish personal drawings and handwritten notes of others in the internet without their explicit permission.)

So, Tom, I think we shouldn’t blame the tech, who drew these scribbles, for all these bugs in what - as far as I know - was just meant as quick and dirty scribbles and not as a professional and detailed and 100% correct schematic that shall be used for building a replica of a certain Dumble amp like - as an example - the layouts of say #183 or #124 in the files section.

By the way: As far as I know Karl Ratzer never used a 1st generation ODS as Electron posted.

All my best wishes to all the members here! And have fun - that’s what’s music is all about in the end!

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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by ElectronAvalanche »

Hi Max,

I seem to remember that a guy named Achim K. told be that bit about Karl Ratzer owning #004.

But maybe I remembered that wrong and it was a guy named Charly? Marcos indicated that already. As Mr. K. said, the amp was supposedly located in Austria, maybe Bregenz? Since Karl Ratzer is from Austria I might have mixed that up.

I think I bought a Karl Ratzer CD from Mr. K. back in the day.


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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by Structo »

Geez Max,
You really didn't need to write me a treatise about scribbles.
I was just saying it was hard to read the numerals.
I understand when somebody just jots down what a circuit is to remember later.
I know those "schematics" were not meant for publishing.

That is what I call chicken scratching. :lol:

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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by Max »

ElectronAvalanche wrote:I might have mixed that up.
No problem, here’s an update:

Karl Ratzer using a 2nd generation ODR 100W:
Karl Ratzer / Michael Köhlmeier "Das Märchen und der Blues"

Karl Ratzer using a 3rd generation ODS 50W:
Karl Ratzer "Moondancer"

Charly Bonat using a 1st generation ODS 50W:
Michael Köhlmeier "42 Songs"

Charly Bonat using a 1st generation ODS 50W
Peter Wolf "Progression"

Charly Bonat using a 1st generation ODS 50W:
Harry Marte "Angel Wings":

Charly Bonat using a 2nd generation ODS 50W:
Elgam Collective "Hey Now, Hey China"
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss? ... &x=14&y=19

Some clips from these records I’ve posted in the reference thread. Just use the search function. As soon as I find the time I'll post more clips of these and other Dumble amps.

To get into contact with Charly Bonat you can send a mail to "element 113" – the label of "Elgam Collective" http://www.element113.de/en/repertoire.html

To get into contact with Karl Ratzer you can send a mail to his label ENJA records http://www.enjarecords.com/other.php?p= ... ARL+RATZER

All the best

Structo wrote:That is what I call chicken scratching. :lol:

Hope you are well!

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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by crbowman »

No slight intended on my part, and I apologise if it appeared so.

I'm just excited that we appear to be several steps closer to being able to put together some sort of comprehensive 1st generation circuit documentation.
I'd love to hear what anyone thinks that has attempted one of these.
Please keep it coming guys!
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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by stevlech »

talbany wrote:... was later upgraded in 79 to a classic specs by Alexander
I don't think this circuit is a good example of a 1st generation amp.

By all means take it for what it is, I just don't want anyone confusing the issue.
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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by David Root »

Well, then that begs the question doesn't it?

What is a "good example of a 1st generation amp?
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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by stevlech »

David Root wrote:Well, then that begs the question doesn't it?

What is a "good example of a 1st generation amp?
I wish I knew...
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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by Max »

David Root wrote:What is a "good example of a 1st generation amp?
Dumble ODS "generations":

IMO the term "generation" is best suited to refer to a certain kind of exterior "look" or "design" of the chassis, the cabinet, knobs and switches etc.. I’ve posted a lot of pictures here that show the typical exterior design-specs of each exterior design generation. (I am sorry that you still have to use the search function to find all these pictures and my matching "tone-example-clips". Perhaps in some future a moderator may find the time to organize them in a sticky in the files section. Tony already generously included some of them as examples in his layout threads.)

The more general specs of the circuit of an ODS IMO should be looked upon as being some kind of general "circuit platform" for individualized custom made amps.

The more general specs of this "circuit platform" often changed around the same time when a change in the exterior look took place. No big surprise IMO. A good example is the transition from the "circuit-platform" with what I call the "pre-classic" specs to the circuit-platform with what is called here the "classic" specs.

As a result of this many of the amps with e. g. the "4th generation look" have rather similar technical specs. One of the still unmodified (non-skyline) 4th generation amps may harbour e. g. a what is called here a "low-plate classic" preamp, one may harbour what is called here a "high-plate classic" preamp. And as you know, both of these preamp circuits share a lot of their specs.

As far as my own experience reaches you will meet the more amps with at least a rather similar "circuit-platform" in a certain "design-generation" the more amps of this "design-generation" have been built. No big surprise - just statistics.

Typical 1st generation specs:

Up to now as far as I know only one handful of these early ODS amps with the 1st generation look have surfaced in the sense of "known to a broader public".

And based on only a handful of specimens IMO it makes no sense at all to talk about "typical" specs. The more so IMO, as these amps have been the very first "Overdrive Special" production amps and so IMO the probability seems to be great that at this time in the mid 70ies even the "circuit platform" still may have changed from amp to amp, what IMO means that perhaps it doesn’t even make a lot of sense at all to talk about a common "circuit platform" in regard to the 1st generation ODS amps.

In addition AFAIK there exists some contradicting information concerning these 1st generation amps:

An example:

As far as I remember David Lindley once told, that one of his two well known 1st generation amps is still in its original state (BTW: AFAIK both don’t have a "starve switch" as Tony posted).

Alexander Dumble told this a bit different: http://www.roblivesey.com/dumble/ (Articles)

"In fact, after the last Steel-String Singer mod I did to David Lindley's amps, he no longer uses the Fender Bassman I Dumbleized for him."

So I fear that perhaps we will never know for sure if someting like "a typical 1st generation circuit" existed at all or what exactly may have been its "typical specs".

And without knowing this it's IMO of course impossible to say wich one of the handful of amps that are known is a "good example of a 1st generation amp" - at least concerning circuit specs.

In regard to building a replica of a Dumble amp that is meant to be a good tool to achieve the "Running On Empty" live tone one way would IMO be to find out in a first step wich one of David's Dumble amps was used and then to find out its specs at the time of the ROE recordings. Another possibility would of course be to start a trial and error process by using the own ears and taste. Another one just to buy a 70ies Bludo or some of the other commercial replicas that claim to be able to deliver the ROE tones - at least if used by a player who knows how to do this.


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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by crbowman »

Good point Max.
I'm afraid that unless Moses (HAD) decides to come down from the mountain and set us all straight, we'll never really know for sure what is or isn't a prime example of a 1st Gen. or (given HAD's proclivity for experimenting) if there really even is such a thing.
Possibly more to the point is whether or not this circuit would simply produce a good sounding amp (subjective I know), and if so, if it would get us into the ROE ballpark (even more subjective).
The only person here I know of who might could answer that is Jelle......
Then again, I could just get off my lazy ass and build it myself.....
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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by wjdunham »

Not sure why we would think that's not pretty close to what was actually in that amp? The tone stack looks reasonable for an early amp. The only thing not seen before (here anyway) is the straight voltage divider on the OD entrance, the 4.2M on the output of the OD and some pretty low voltages on preamp plates. Otherwise straight Dumble fare, no?
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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by Max »

wjdunham wrote:The tone stack looks reasonable for an early amp.
I'm no tech and not very experienced in reading a schematic. But the tonestack in the scribble marcos posted IMO seems to look very different from the stack of a typical 70ies 2nd or 3rd generation amp (see Tony's layouts in the files section). For me it looks more like the stack of an 80ies "classic" amp than like the stack of an early 70ies amp with the james configuration at the bass pot etc. The only difference between the stack in this scribble and an 80ies "classic" stack in my eyes could perhaps be the value of the treble capacitor (but its value is hard to read for me anyway on this scribble). Or am I wrong?


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Re: ODS #004 For Sale

Post by talbany »

jelle wrote:I have done this one a while ago. It is quite gainy.
It's no surprise to me that the 100K voltage divider would be the main reason for the higher gain structure..Jelle can you elaborate further on the tone stack you used ..How it functioned, how was the clean channel..Did you like the amp..


" The psychics on my bench is the same as Dumble'"
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