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Post by guitardude57 »

The election results are very disappointing.

I wonder how they would have turned, if all the states required ID's to vote? And if all the youngsters and women didn't believe the rhetoric BS ads on TV?

I truly fear for what is happening to Our Country, and the socialist
direction it is going. Look at fema, they are as screwed up with Sandy, as they were with Katrina. Another fine example of big govt fucking everything up.

The last 4 years have been the most difficult time in my life, just to survive. If it wasn't for the food bank, I would be totally fucked.
Zero money to even get the pots and wire I need to finish an Express
I started 2 years ago.

What do you think of this guys?

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Re: Election...

Post by cbass »

As long as people keep electing what the media crams down their throat we are doomed.

People base their choice on issues that should have absolutely nothing to do with the federal govt.Like Abortion,gay marriage,health care etc.
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Re: Election...

Post by billyz »

I for one cannot understand how people like Bachman got re-elected.
The vote was very schizophrenic , re-elect the President , but keep the Obstructionist House ?
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Re: Election...

Post by vibratoking »

I like TAG for many reasons. The fact that it is relatively free of political discussion is one of them. I know it's Garage Talk and all, but political discussions never seem to go well when they do occur.
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Re: Election...

Post by guitardude57 »

Politics and religion can be tabu topics.
I respect those on this site, and believe that we can agree, or agree to disagree, without it getting weird. I try to understand other's mindsets.

I have a real tall, Constitutionalist soapbox, that I am not climbing on here...

We are all relative in age group here, (I am 55) and think this is a discussion that can create ideas, and comfort in Patriotism.

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Re: Election...

Post by Structo »

/ Moderator on

Yes, this never ends well.

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Don't let that smoke out!
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Re: Election...

Post by ToneMerc »

guitardude57 wrote:The election results are very disappointing.

What do you think of this guys?
You asked..............

Here's the same statement I've been preaching for the last 20yrs., regardless of which side is at the head of the table.

It starts by not blaming others for your own personal shortcomings, in particular things that you have control over. Look in the mirror first before you blame " big government" or the lack of government assistance on your own personal human condition.

It's funny, when the system turns out in one's favor, it's perfect and when it doesn't, it's the worse in the world.....it's the same system it's always been.

Next, why even attempt to stir up further discontent here at TAG. I'm sure there are hundreds of forums that you can vent and mire in disappointment. I agree with VK, it's the lack of this type of political bitterness thats helps to make this place special.

What I think, I think I will tell you exactly what I told folks 8 years ago, get over it!

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Re: Election...

Post by mac0611 »

guitardude57 wrote:The election results are very disappointing.

I wonder how they would have turned, if all the states required ID's to vote? And if all the youngsters and women didn't believe the rhetoric BS ads on TV?

I truly fear for what is happening to Our Country, and the socialist
direction it is going. Look at fema, they are as screwed up with Sandy, as they were with Katrina. Another fine example of big govt fucking everything up.

The last 4 years have been the most difficult time in my life, just to survive. If it wasn't for the food bank, I would be totally fucked.
Zero money to even get the pots and wire I need to finish an Express
I started 2 years ago.

What do you think of this guys?
voter ID=voter supression, and you are worried about a so-called socialist country? You better worry more about becoming a banana republic.

I live in jersey and I am in the middle of the storm. FEMA did an excellent job given the circumstances. You have no clue of the logistical nightmares that they faced.

This race was decided by the direction of the economy and things getting better. Women voted with economics and jobs as the number one reason-not social issues.

You need to get out of your bubble and get in the game dude.
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Re: Election...

Post by JazzGuitarGimp »

guitardude57 wrote:The election results are very disappointing.

I wonder how they would have turned, if all the states required ID's to vote? And if all the youngsters and women didn't believe the rhetoric BS ads on TV?

I truly fear for what is happening to Our Country, and the socialist
direction it is going. Look at fema, they are as screwed up with Sandy, as they were with Katrina. Another fine example of big govt fucking everything up.

The last 4 years have been the most difficult time in my life, just to survive. If it wasn't for the food bank, I would be totally fucked.
Zero money to even get the pots and wire I need to finish an Express
I started 2 years ago.

What do you think of this guys?
You rely on the food bank and yet it sounds like you would have been happy to have Romney at the helm? Do you know what Romney would tell you? My guess is "get a job" - and he probably wouldn't have been so polite about it.
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Re: Election...

Post by Zippy »

How/when did the Republicans join with the religious right? It seems that they could have taken the votes if they weren't so bent on alienating people.

I cannot understand how "Get the government out of my life" balances with "government will make all your decisions regarding women's health and who gets married". That sounds like big government to me.

If you want to support "family values", how 'bout banning divorce?
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Re: Election...

Post by John_P_WI »

I have no intent to fan the flames but the truth is we have experienced the death of the Amazing country which many of us grew up with in the 60's and 70's. The don't F with us country, the country that put a man on the moon, the strongest country in the world militarily and in manufacturing. The leader in health care technology and research. AND THE WORLD LEADER IN FINANCIAL SUPPORT. Sadly it has been decided to give hand outs to the lazy asses who have NEVER contributed nor will. We have hit critical mass, the recipients are now the MAJORITY and from now on will vote for the party which will continue to give them the handouts. For all of us who have worked hard and contributed to this nation, we are now penalized through taxation for being successful to support those who have no desire to amount to anything more than a grease stain on the couch.

Flame on, I have nothing to lose - my first divorce took it all and still is - what is left will be taken by the biggest proposed tax increase January 2013 - what do I have to look forward to - End of life planning / counseling by Obamacare.

My question is, where the F is our great country to help all of us who have contributed our entire work lives and have not burdened the country one cent for means-tested benefits, oh yeah, we get higher taxes, higher gas prices and "leaders" of a country who will not go after terrorist who killed 4 Americans - who were desperately pleading for help - in Libya just to name a few.

Sadly the glory days are gone, they ended about the same time the true muscle cars left Detroit. It took the last few years to throw away 200 years of blood. sweat and tears. America has become soft and vulnerable, the world may not end in 2012 - but the America that I grew up with and loved did.
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Re: Election...

Post by Reeltarded »

Don't let the media's need for billions of advertizing dollars make you think you don't like someone else because they are crazy.

Most ideas aren't radical until they convince you that they are very radical.

We need to live in a republic of respect and very good ideas.

This election and the last few cycles have not been my idea of good ideas, strong opposition, or respect. I can completely disagree with and you still aren't a 'fucking nutbar hate monger'.

I love this country. The elections need to say goodbye to 2 year advertizing cycles and a need for 24 hour 'news' about the candidates.

Of the 6 billion dollars spent in electing a government, do you know one person that voted that wouldn't have? Do you know one person that did vote that changed their mind based on a year long campaign by the advertizers to make more money?

No. No you don't.

America has been driven to uncivil wars by a press who intend on creating fake controversy and twisting the issues to bind us into a sporting event, a seasonal loss of civility. This is not football. I am furious with the process. Everything the press says about the candidates is a lie, both, either, and all sides.

My buck stops here. Peace, and love to America. I still love it.
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Re: Election...

Post by vibratoking »

I prefer to be positive about our country. I work with foreigners from many different countries and most of them are trying to figure out how to get to America and how to stay in America. Through this, I have realized that this is still the best place to live. No question in my mind.

Yes taxes are always on the rise. Always have been...even in the 50s 60s and 70s. It motivates ME to adapt.

Gas prices are on the rise. Always have been...even in the 50s 60s and 70s. It motivates ME to adapt.

Politicians are not truthful and are self-serving. Always have been...even in the 50s 60s and 70s. I'm not sure what I can do about that?

Throughout history, the older generation has always said that our country is no longer the same. That the world isn't the same...This is the same old story at another point in time. Nothing new here at all.

I have no problem with helping the less fortunate either directly or through the Gov't. Yes some are lazy, but some are in need for good reason. It is what every good American should do IMO. Check that, it is what every good human should do IMO.
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Re: Election...

Post by ToneMerc »

John_P_WI wrote:"leaders" of a country who will not go after terrorist who killed 4 Americans - who were desperately pleading for help - in Libya just to name a few.
Where do these lies come from? I wish I could...............

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Re: Election...

Post by John_P_WI »

ToneMerc wrote:
John_P_WI wrote:"leaders" of a country who will not go after terrorist who killed 4 Americans - who were desperately pleading for help - in Libya just to name a few.
Where do these lies come from? I wish I could...............

I think it will all be clear in a few days IF the informational jamming media gets out of the way.... After the hangover from the election buzz goes away.
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