Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

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Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by Bob-I »

I'm trying to reduce the size of the rig I haul around so I hooked up my Bluesmaster without the D-lator.

The chain is loop out > TC Nova delay line in > Nova out > Minimix > Loop in

In the Minimix I've tried a few effects for reverb. The easiest is an Alesis microverb. Admittedly not a high end verb but it sounds decent in the mix.

I'm thinking of using velcro to mount this inside the Bluesmaster 1x12 combo.

Anyone else using loop with just a minimix?
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by vibratoking »

The chain is loop out > TC Nova delay line in > Nova out > Minimix > Loop in
Funny, I did something like this last night at a gig, but it wasn't planned. I tried to flip the switch on my Dlator and I ended up holding the switch handle and it was not attached to the unit! Broke right off.

So I went loop send from the amp -> minimix -> TC M-ONE XL -> and back. Your chain looks wrong to me? To make the loop parallel, don't you need to put the effect in the send/return of the minimix? My setup worked just fine. I used some high capacitance cables in the loop to roll-off some highs. Worked just fine, but I do not swear by the Dlator like others do. Many say it is integral to the Dstyle sound, but have never subscribed to that.
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by ic-racer »

Until I recently got my Fuchs Verbrator effects loop/reverb, I was just plugging a Boss DD3 delay into the effects loop of my clones and I thought it worked just fine at the volume and master settings I was using.

Major reasons for the Verbrator were that I both wanted reverb and wanted to see if there was any improvement in the delay sound with the buffered loop. I can't detect any difference in the delay. But now I know I can adjust the delay send if I were to play at extremes of high or low volume or master settings and get clipping, or at the other extreme, faint signal.
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by Bob-I »

Maybe I wasn't clear. The minimix has the reverb in the parallel loop, the delay is running serial. I tried both in the parallel loop then realized that I was either putting delay on the reverb, or putting reverb on the delay but never having both effects on the primary signal.

Funny about the switch handle. I went to a gig a few months ago with my modded bassman. Powered it up then hit the standby and the handle came off in my hand. I had to open the amp up, snip off the wires from the standby and twist them together. All I had was a screwdriver and a nail clipper. I felt like mcguyver.
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by Structo »

Hehehehe, it really does help to know stuff while gigging.

I also had a mini switch bat (Standby switch) fall off in my hand on my Dumbleator.
When I rebuilt it last Summer I skipped the Standby switch altogether.
And guess what?
The world did not end!

So how many of you guys are using the Suhr Mini Mix ll?

I ended up getting a Xotic X-Blender which works great.

Kind of a loop within a loop.

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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by stelligan »

IMHO the tube buffered loop and a parallel effect is a must for the most satisfying experience with these amps. I am totally down with taking less gear to the gig, though. The people in the club could likely not care less. I am spoiled that my gigging amps all have internal tube loops(RedPlate amps). Amp and an Intellifex and I'm good. I do have a big board with an X-blender and a whole mess of pedals, delays, etc. but, I rarely haul that anymore.
I'd say if it feels good do it. I loves me a d'lator in there somewhere..... :)
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by Bob-I »

At home I'm finding that this chain sounds great, possibly a tad better than the d-lator. Last night no one was home for awhile I was able to crank it up well past gigging volumes and the rig sounded better than ever. However, this was in a small room so not a really good test.
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by stelligan »

Less is more :!: Is this the gigging amp that lost it's low end? Now fixed?
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by Bob-I »

stelligan wrote:Less is more :!: Is this the gigging amp that lost it's low end? Now fixed?
Yes, but I've also tested with 2 other dumble type amps.
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by stelligan »

Bob-I wrote:
stelligan wrote:Less is more :!: Is this the gigging amp that lost it's low end? Now fixed?
Yes, but I've also tested with 2 other dumble type amps.
Glad you got it fixed.
A bit bolder and immediate tones without the loop but, I like how the OD feels and sounds with one. Cleans - I could do without it. Cool that you can shed 15 lbs.....
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by Bob-I »

stelligan wrote:Glad you got it fixed.
A bit bolder and immediate tones without the loop but, I like how the OD feels and sounds with one. Cleans - I could do without it. Cool that you can shed 15 lbs.....
Exactly how I'd describe it as well. It's more than the 15 lbs, it's the rack that takes up space as well.
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by husky »

Bob-I wrote:I'm trying to reduce the size of the rig I haul around so I hooked up my Bluesmaster without the D-lator.

The chain is loop out > TC Nova delay line in > Nova out > Minimix > Loop in

In the Minimix I've tried a few effects for reverb. The easiest is an Alesis microverb. Admittedly not a high end verb but it sounds decent in the mix.

I'm thinking of using velcro to mount this inside the Bluesmaster 1x12 combo.

Anyone else using loop with just a minimix?
he primary thing you need from the dumbleator is the return gain.
I could tell you a resistor to change to increase the return gain on the Mini Mix to boost the signal up but the minimix would no longer be nity gain device. Not that it matters if the Dumble will be it's only purpose
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by talbany »

husky wrote:
Bob-I wrote:I'm trying to reduce the size of the rig I haul around so I hooked up my Bluesmaster without the D-lator.

The chain is loop out > TC Nova delay line in > Nova out > Minimix > Loop in

In the Minimix I've tried a few effects for reverb. The easiest is an Alesis microverb. Admittedly not a high end verb but it sounds decent in the mix.

I'm thinking of using velcro to mount this inside the Bluesmaster 1x12 combo.

Anyone else using loop with just a minimix?
he primary thing you need from the dumbleator is the return gain.
I could tell you a resistor to change to increase the return gain on the Mini Mix to boost the signal up but the minimix would no longer be nity gain device. Not that it matters if the Dumble will be it's only purpose
Off topic
Hey John
You have any of those pickups laying around that are the ones loaded in Jeff Becks Strat you made for him. I have an early JB Signature dying to be loaded..
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by Bob-I »

husky wrote: he primary thing you need from the dumbleator is the return gain.
I could tell you a resistor to change to increase the return gain on the Mini Mix to boost the signal up but the minimix would no longer be nity gain device. Not that it matters if the Dumble will be it's only purpose
Interesting perspective. I seldom use the dumbleator at unity gain, in fact I run it well below unity so that I can run the masters at above 9:00. At home I've been running a volume pedal in the loop so I can get decent tones at low volumes.

For my needs, running at higher than unity would simply be too loud. I'll bet I'm the only guitarist a sound man tells to turn UP. :wink:
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Re: Loop with a minimix and no D-Lator

Post by danotron »

I have been running dry for a while now...Guitar->Wah->Amp....I am really liking it....raw and honest...and so easy to set up and take down...cuts through like butter.....
The Blues is my Business....
and Business is good.....
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