The power supply still was making a small but noticeable amount of hum even with 140uf of mains filtering. Originally I just had a 40uf axial in there on the power supply board and added a dual 50uf can in parallel. Still didn't do it. I always knew SE amps needed more filtering, I just never realized how much more till I built this monster.
I tried turning the can into a resistive pi filter but by the time the resistance got high enough to kill the hum completely it was getting way too hot, even with a 10w resistor. So I turned it into an inductive pi filter with a 3H 200ma choke (thanks again to Colossal for supplying me with this) and that killed the hum completely. I was even able to take out the 40uf can and just have 50uf on either side.
The preamp took considerably more work. This is my first Trainwreck style preamp and it was certainly a learning experience as far as stability goes.
Originally it was an express preamp with an AC coupled cathode follower driving the KT120. It didn't have much gain and I later realized the cathode follower was unnecessary, so I converted it to essentially half the PI stage.
The additional gain pushed it well into instability region and it was very much theremin-wreck. I'm sure the fact that its a steel chassis didn't help any either. I added shielded wire to all the signal wires where it didn't already have it, as well as 1k grid stoppers on V1a V2a and V2b.
It was still oscillating horribly whenever I would touch the gain knob at certain settings (but stable otherwise), and after several hours of moving wires and poking around to no avail. I realized after probing the pot with a grounded test lead that the body of the pot wasn't making good contact through the paint on the chassis. Dremel with a grinding stone took care of that, and the amp was completely stable. Of course once I got it home I realized I should have run bus wire across all the pots as they are now having the same problem. Different interference at different locations or just the shifting in the car possibly. Though I'm just happy to know what the issue was and its an easy fix.
The final-ish version of the preamp is a pretty standard express affair for the first 3 gain stages. The final stage I ended up with a 1k top cathode resistor and 10k for the tail (half a long tailed pair). Grid leak I settled on 332k as 1M was just way to much gain. Additionally the transition from being mildly distorted to just right to seriously over compressed overkill happened on much too short of a range on the pot.
The only issue really left to solve with it, is what might be some parasitic oscillation. There's a weird buzzy sound that happens on the top of the notes, just present enough to annoy the crap out of me. However it seems to get less noticeable as I turn the volume up, so I'm not really sure what the issue is.
As for the cabinets, I built them last summer out of hardware store pine and Minwax. I think they look alright considering I have done basically no woodworking before and all I had was a circular and jig saw haha. The amp itself also isn't nearly as neat as I'd like it to be, its been rebuilt many times over the last decade, and just in the last year I've had to disconnect sockets and lift the boards up more times than I can count. Next time I do a prototype build I'm using all PTP with terminal strips haha.
Alright now onto the pics. Sorry for my sloppy hand drawn schematic, its all I have at the moment. I hope it's legible. The guitar I built about 8 years ago during my second year of college. It still needs some work but its my favorite to play right now.