Relays: Solder or Socket? What's best practice?

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Relays: Solder or Socket? What's best practice?

Post by tictac »

Figured Dumble builders would be the best for answering this question.

I have the first set of pcb's I've ever ordered coming this week. It's a three channel affair with three relays. I've used sockets for mounting relays on past builds but the pins seem so skinny and fragile that I'm worried about the relays popping out. I usually put a dab of silicon on the side to keep the relay in place but I've been thinking maybe soldering direct to the pcb would be a better practice. Seems like if you just use a small amount of solder for each pin without filling the hole completely it would make removal easier if necessary.

If you could please comment about want your personal practice is and why I'd appreciate your opinion!


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Re: Relays: Solder or Socket? What's best practice?

Post by erwin_ve »

I used sockets, after some trouble with bad connections due to losing the clamps( is this correct english?) properties on the sockets, I now solder every relay.
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Re: Relays: Solder or Socket? What's best practice?

Post by norburybrook »

I solder all mine. If the relay breaks then it's not that big a deal to de solder it I wouldn't say. I haven't had one fail yet so this is only theory :D

Dumble didn't use sockets.....

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Re: Relays: Solder or Socket? What's best practice?

Post by AtomCap »

if you can socket them, socket them! low cost on the socket.
molded relays can and will deform at the pins if your irons too hot! They don't like heat and it only takes so much to wreck one..
With that being said its just another level of insurance the relay wont be compromised..

dumble didn't use them likely because radioshack didn't stock them :P
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Re: Relays: Solder or Socket? What's best practice?

Post by Aurora »

If you choose to use sockets- use the best quality socket with turned pins and twisted contact springs. With the "standard" relays used, it is easy to snip a pair of unused pins to make room for securing strips....
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