Express relative volume to other amps

Express, Liverpool, Rocket, Dirty Little Monster, etc.

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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by cradleofflames »

That was by far the most helpful I think.

If the Express produces the high octave without a problem and isn't sensitive to the low impedance due to the buffer in the TS-9 there isn't a problem. It's more a matter of deciding what clean amp and how will I run it. Over-lapping gain ranges doesn't really make sense with the express because it cleans up so well.

I'll still need a separate clean amp at least with the cover band, I'd imagine it being too far of a stretch to pull off U2 on an Express.

Though I realized another potential issue. The pickups in all of my guitars except my vintage style strat are Seymour Duncan P-Rails.

In series the bridge model's dc resistance is 18.80KOhm with a resonance peak of 3.0KHz while the neck is 12.87KOhm and 4.6KHz. Could this possibly be too hot or too dark for an Express?
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by billyz »

cradleofflames wrote:
Though I realized another potential issue. The pickups in all of my guitars except my vintage style strat are Seymour Duncan P-Rails.

In series the bridge model's dc resistance is 18.80KOhm with a resonance peak of 3.0KHz while the neck is 12.87KOhm and 4.6KHz. Could this possibly be too hot or too dark for an Express?
Those are very HOT pickups to my way of thinking. And I would expect it to be hard to get a good Clean tone with them. Also, high output pickups tend to bring the mids forward as well. I would suggest in a Strat or Tele, try some
vintage spec Fralins or Lollars or something else of that quality , 6K +-. In a Humbucker , Try a nice Vintage PAF , like around 7.5-8K. You will hear the clarity and they clean up better. In overdrive they still retain the clarity and note detail.
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by rooster »

OK, let's be clear, my TS9 has been modified to TB - something I said I think the Express likes to see. As to pickup impedance I don't think the Express cares. What it does care about is a pickup's output. If you slam the frontend of the Express with too much gain then its touch sensitivity is going to suffer. Remember that the Express is already sitting on a pretty thin fence rail, balanced to touch.

For example, even though I am a pedal guy, I set my pedals to a little past unity - enough where you realize I am taking a lead, but not too crazy. I am not trying to saturate the front end of the Express with gain in other words, just the sound of the particular pedal with maybe a little added juice. Its the balance thing. What I am saying is that, even though I am using pedals, I still want the Express to do that thing that it does. Which is to sit on that fence until I pick harder, and then fall off as I do, and then get back up as I pick softer or pot down. Its the balance of the particular circuit that makes it so unique, along with its sweet organic voice.

Any, it does occur to me when you said U2 that you might instead consider the Rocket for your needs? It is pedal friendly and a touch chimey-er. I have an AC30 that I built that has the basic Rocket 'top boost' channel in it, and it is a fun amp to play. I mention this because I have a friend who is an Edge freak and he wouldn't be without his CCAC30 with Blues. ?? So think about that.

Also you don't mention anything about mic'ing a cab and running it through the PA? You know, this is way better coverage and might cause you to focus on the tone of things more than just the volume of things. Really, if I had a Champ amp that mic'ed up like my Express - which is running at low to medium stage volume - I would use it, no question. Its the tone and feel of the amp that keeps my attention. In fact, if you didn't know this, I am running an Express with a smaller OT, 25 watts with 6V6s. My EL34 Express with the 35 watt OT just sits. It sounds great and feels great but it is too loud for my needs.

Do you have an Express that you have played through? Did you say you do and I missed this, or are you planning on building one? You should try to find one in your local if not. If you live in Portland, get in touch. I offer this because I have seen quite a few players plug into mine and not 'get it' - they hit the gtr too hard kind of thing, you know? But then some guys plug in and get it right away. Either way, the circuit will either honor your current style of playing, as in the latter, or help you overcome some really bad habits as in the former. ??? And then on that note, I will also tell you that I typically see the 'heavy hitters' walk away from my Express. I think it strikes them as something illogical, and I get this. Here they have spent a number years beating their gtrs senseless because they think this is the way. How could they possibly understand something they have never run into before, that makes them change the way they play their gtr? Who's driving the car anyway? Ha! It will teach you, and this is why I pay homage to Ken Fischer. He's more than an amp builder. He's a gtr teacher, too, oh yeah.

OK, now you've heard my whole thing, and sorry to bore. Find some tone and have fun.
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by rawnster »

I tend to agree with Rooster here. I hit the front of my express build with a Barber Small Fry overdrive and a TIM distortion. They both sound great to my ears. I'm so use to using pedals though. And my gigging venues require lower volumes than what the express needs to get into it's grinding sweet spot. So, pedals are an invaluable tool for me. But like Roost said, it's all SO subject... my great "to-die-for" tone could be your "sucking-my-will-to-live" tone. :-)
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by cradleofflames »

The premise of the P-Rails is to split to a rails coil, a p-90 coil, run them in parallel for a PAF sound or in series of high output humbucker.

Am I understanding correct in saying that the pickup would likely be useable in series just the touch sensitivity would be effected?

If that's the case it's no problem because I have those three other options to run. What's important to me is not having a setting on my guitar that's useless into the amp.

My vintage style strat has a Duncan SSL-2s and an SSL-6 in the bridge.

Unity is how I set my pedals as well.

The rocket is a no go, I've had a few class A amps and have sold every one.

As far as the amps not being loud enough, we play in a circle. I can hear myself just fine. The problem is my drummer can't hear me that well. The Reissue Plexi I'm borrowing has a little more volume than I need for the drummer to hear me so I lose some drive keeping it back. We play in venues that don't have separate monitor mixes most of the time so we get vocals in the monitors and balance everything else on stage.

After playing a Reinhardt Vintage 50 with the VVR I highly prefered the non-master style circuit which is what drove me to buy a JTM 45. After this hassle with the JTM 45 and the Plexi I won't buy an amp without a power scale every again.

I was looking at having an Express built for me. I've never played one; I'm going solely on the videos I've seen.

I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I assure you I'm not a heavy hitter unless I need to be. I was when I started but learning jazz and classical when I went to school quickly broke that habit.
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by KGW »

Don't know if it is too late to chime in, but...

I have both a DIY 50W 1087-based plexi and a DIY express. I love them both.

The TW has more gain and IMHO is a better lead amp. With humbuckers, you cat get a lot of gain. I have a strat with fralin blues specials that sounds great with the TW.

My plexi also has plenty of gain with both types of pickups. I can get great Trower sounds with the strat and great Zeppelin, Montrose, ZZ Top sounds with humbuckers (I play a Fender Flame - sounds similar to a les paul). I find that the plexi is a better all around amp than the TW. The plexi is a bit louder than the TW (as would be expected).

However, as said, I love both amps. I plan to build more TW clones some day.

Note, I have played with drummers that play louder than a 50W plexi. Good thing to do if you care nothing for your hearing.
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by cradleofflames »

Earplugs; never play with a drummer without them.

When I was in school the damn fool director of my blues ensemble said earplugs effect are sense of dynamics and wouldn't let us wear them. Needless to say he wanted to throw me out when I told him to stick it. The school administration backed me though.
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by 84k »

M Fowler wrote:Your going to need the 80 watt express like Allyn built then to drown out that pesty drummer or take away his sticks and give him some brushes to play with.

Being the happy owner of that kick ass amp, I would have to agree :lol: The express with 2 tubes is not loud enough to hang with a strong drummer. Allyn's amp gets it done
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by cradleofflames »

Anyone still reading:

What string gauge do you all use?

On Fender scale I used 10s and on Gibson scale I use 11's. Anyone else?

I'm worried about driving the Trainwreck too much with just my guitar level.
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by M Fowler »

Normally 10s for strat and 9 for LP but I have switched back to 9's on both Strat, Tele and Les Paul for me.

I had enough of the voodo about having to run 13's for SRV or at least 11's.

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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by KGW »

10's for all electrics.
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by Zippy »

rooster wrote:I am running an Express with a smaller OT, 25 watts with 6V6s. My EL34 Express with the 35 watt OT just sits. It sounds great and feels great but it is too loud for my needs.
Sounds like you and your EL34 amp are good candidates for an attenuator.
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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by Structo »

I'm having a similar problem with my little 6V6 amp I built.
Not really ghost notes but a kind of hash on top of the guitar signal.

I've tried different tubes but it seems to be in the circuit.

It is most likely parasitic oscillation that I haven't been able to track down.

No scope here.

I am considering using a conjunctive filter across the OT primaries to see if that changes it.

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Re: Express relative volume to other amps

Post by ampdoc1 »

"I'm worried about driving the Trainwreck too much with just my guitar level."

If this happens, get a cheap clean boost pedal (I used a Bad Monkey), and turn down the output of the pedal to suit the input of the Express.

I never noticed any pickup problems with my Express build, but I used the BM to switch a lower input to enable clean playing without futzing with the guitar volume control.

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