New Trainwreck Express with 1959 Les Paul VIDEO clip c/o GK

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Re: New Trainwreck Express with 1959 Les Paul VIDEO clip c/o GK

Post by castor »

Hi Glen,

thank you for your infos.
I asked you the vol position because in my opinion the full volume sound is less distorted than the 1st one..
I'll wait the high quality file and then I'll put togheter with a video software.
Let us be informed about the posting of the audio file

Thank then for the infos on your les paul... mine was a 92 standard one and even if I changed the neck pk with a burstbucker and changed the neck-pk connections (caps.. pots..) similar to the vintage ones I could not have this sound.
Now I have a pensa MkII (all mahognany with knopfler 59 les paul neck specs) with only one fralin hb pk in the bridge, so the clean sound Is not so sweet, even if the volume rolls-off and stay cleaner in a better way than my lespaul.

I agree with you that a les paul sounds fantatsic with a wreck..
next week one friend of mine will bring his JEM to test the sound of the amp with this guitar

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Re: New Trainwreck Express with 1959 Les Paul VIDEO clip c/o GK

Post by drhulsey »

geetarpicker wrote: Here is the NEW link.
I agree! It sounds even better than the first clip! Must be the yellow shirt :lol: Thanks for sharing :!:

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Re: New Trainwreck Express with 1959 Les Paul VIDEO clip c/o GK

Post by jelle »

Your playing and the way you make your sound is so good, I still don't see the shirt!! 8) My ears are just overwhelmed....

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: New Trainwreck Express with 1959 Les Paul VIDEO clip c/o GK

Post by Omar »

My sincerest apologies to Glen for the delay in getting his wonderful clip posted in its full glory, all 176MB worth!!! I recently overhauled my computer and its taken a bit of work to get it back up and running.

I have posted it in the Trainwreck Files section, under Media. Or you can click on this link
Tone by misadventure
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Re: New Trainwreck Express with 1959 Les Paul VIDEO clip c/o GK

Post by geetarpicker »

Thanks Omar!

This is the same video as on Youtube. However this version has full resolution stereo audio and video.

Hope folks appreciate the quality upgrade.
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