Since I wired this one for DC filaments I thought I would try an ECC88. I picked up a bunch of these out of some old Test scopes (Tecktronics) All really nice tubes Telefunkins/ Amperex Holland Bugle Boys

What do you think

Moderators: pompeiisneaks, Colossal
Yeah! It's quiet less noise like Mr dB mentions the lower output impedance affects frequency response = more treble= a clear top end without having to use the bright caps=less harshness. More Current /Drive= punchier tighter low end and more headroom= not as compressed as an AX. These tubes are known to make excellent CF buffers toonorburybrook wrote: ↑Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:02 pm is there any advantage using these tubes Tony over the regular Ax7 other than if you have a box full of them?
talbany wrote: ↑Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:35 pmYeah! It's quiet less noise like Mr dB mentions the lower output impedance affects frequency response = more treble= a clear top end without having to use the bright caps=less harshness. More Current /Drive= punchier tighter low end and more headroom= not as compressed as an AX. These tubes are known to make excellent CF buffers toonorburybrook wrote: ↑Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:02 pm is there any advantage using these tubes Tony over the regular Ax7 other than if you have a box full of them?
MLike I said I don't have it set up optimally so I want to tweak it a bit however so far it's promising alternative!
Should be less sensitive to cable length and capacitance too?talbany wrote: ↑Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:35 pmYeah! It's quiet less noise like Mr dB mentions the lower output impedance affects frequency response = more treble= a clear top end without having to use the bright caps=less harshness. More Current /Drive= punchier tighter low end and more headroom= not as compressed as an AX. These tubes are known to make excellent CF buffers toonorburybrook wrote: ↑Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:02 pm is there any advantage using these tubes Tony over the regular Ax7 other than if you have a box full of them?
MLike I said I don't have it set up optimally so I want to tweak it a bit however so far it's promising alternative!
Rootzrootz wrote: ↑Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:44 am I can’t really see the benefit with respect to output impedance perse. From the top of my mind the cf drives a 250k pot feeding the output. Worst case the pot is half up, thus 2 x 125k parallel —> output impedance 62.5k. Full up the pot is out of the equation and thus the output impedance of the cf will dominate. Which will be low with a well adjusted Ecc88. Correct me if I’m wrong on the preceding thoughts please. If I am correct, you could drive a lower value pot more easily.
On the lower noise you’re getting Tony: is this because of the lower gain of the recovery stage (I’d guess it is around 20 now, not 60, 70 or thereabouts) or do you get a disproportionately lower noise level?
Thanks Rootzrootz wrote: ↑Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:07 am That is a lengthy answer Tony. Would love to reply to everything, but only got a lunch break and phone to do so.
The output impedance of the cf is 1/gm. With a 100k cathode resistor on a 12ax7 I believe Zo is around 600 ohms. Low enough to drive a 10k pot imho. No idea what the gm is in a dumbleator cf. maybe higher resulting in an even lower Zo. A 12at7 would also be a good sub for an ax7. Zo would drop even more. A ecc88 would be an excellent choice for a white follower, but that would stray far from the original.
A level pot before the follower would be even better. But that would Mean cascading volumes from master on the Dumble to input vol on the dumbleator