No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

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No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by bnwitt »

I just wanted to tell all of the folks in this forum that have been emailing me asking if I'm working on a dumble layout like the one I did for the Asteroid that there won't be one forth coming on this forum. The reason for that is that the members of this forum that have all of the information on the amp, have built several of them, know them inside and out and are even selling parts to build them keep promising to send me photos and other info to aid the layout project but in fact never do.

There is a protective attitude that permeates this forum’s long term members that I find very disappointing. It seems that these folks somehow think they can get rich by protecting what they know about a ripped off design that was ripped off from others to begin with. I have even seen some threads where newbies complain about a lack of centralized info on the amp and are told “read all 27 thousand threads and find out for yourself you whiner” or “I’m too busy to give you the details but don’t forget to buy a chassis from me.”

For years, I have been creating layouts designed to help newbies build the same amps I have built without going through the arduous discovery process I had to go through. I do this simply because I believe in sharing and enlightening my fellow man. You will find many of my free layouts on the world wide web if you look.

Frankly, I find the selfish covetous attitude in here disgusting. Sir Isaac Newton once said “If I have seen further than other men it is because I have stood upon the shoulders of giants.” From what I can tell, there are too many mental midgets in this forum and not enough sharing giants.

With that, I bid you all au revoir. I will not be returning to this forum and several others because of this exact kind of attitude. I will continue to work on a Dumble layout and a Constellation layout without the help of the selfish midgets that have gone before me and when I complete them, I will post the finished drawings for free on my personal website And by the way, there will be no chassis purchase necessary. It has been fun in here until recently. I hope all of you fair well in life and amp building endeavours. If you choose to flame this post, do so knowing I will not be responding or returning to this forum.
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by fabiomayo »

I really don't like to get involved in this sort of confusion but I must give my opinion.

People on this forum have always been VERY generous, taking the time to
answer everyone's questions and share their experiences. Only through
browsing this forum you will find more than enough information to build
your own amp - and that includes pics of some originals. I feel it's unfair
to expect even more from them as they already give too much.

Please don't take my opinions the wrong way.
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by Bob-I »

That's a very RUDE and uncalled for post. I've posted many layouts, as has Normster and others. There are tons of pictures of Dumbles posted, some even de-gooped.

You sir, are out of line.
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by heisthl »

bnwitt wrote: The reason for that is that the members of this forum that have all of the information on the amp, have built several of them, know them inside and out and are even selling parts to build them keep promising to send me photos and other info to aid the layout project but in fact never do.
My user name is HeistHL - Look in the files section at my posts - I have posted many layouts, schematics and pictures. I too, believe in the free exchange of information. What else can I help you with? Just ask
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by Funkalicousgroove »

Sorry man, I'm just really busy.

I'll get pics up of a finished 80's build this weekend.

I didn't mean to piss anyone off, I didn't realize that by offering a quality chassis (My OEM chassis to be exact) at a reasonable price, that people would automatically become ENTITLED to the rest of my work.

Forgive me for dedicating 5 years of my life so that you could have an amp.
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by Funkalicousgroove »

BTW Barry,

What have you done for me? Why don't you send your chassis back, I'll refund your money, that way you can be self-righteous with full pockets, and someone who doesn't want it all done for them can have it.
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by Fischerman »

I think it's pretty harsh too. However, I can see a little of where he is coming from.

One thing that I have noticed is that IF you do dig in and scour this forum for the info, and then put in the time/effort to actually give it your best shot...sometimes the more knowledgable members will then help you tweek the best out of it, or fix a flaw. Build it and they will come? Remember the "Amp is hard to play" thread? That guy got some great posts in that thread and a few guys really went out of their way to help him out. But they obviously can't help every jabroni that attempts to build an ODS to that extent. I will probably finish my first ODS hack prototype this weekend (if I'm not posting by Monday....somebody send an ambulance please :lol:). Heisthl's Fender conversion layouts have been a big help as have several other threads.

So I think it comes down to just being patient, diligent, and demonstrate that you've actually put a good amount of effort into it...and did I say be patient?
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by keithrick »

Just my .02-

I have always encouraged new member to read the prior posts. I understand the forum has grown tremendously in the past 2 years. I used to stay up until the wee hours of the morning reading and re-reading posts gathering as much information and perspective on the circuits. I lost a lot of sleep! In doing so I have learned a lot about amp building and how the dumble and trainwreck cuircits work. To just get a layout with no history or understanding of how it was developed, tweaked or from which amp it is derived is kind of boring and lame and defeats the purpose of the forum.

I stumbled onto this board with zero builds under my belt and this board and its members helped me build my first Dumble and Trainwreck inspired amps. As a matter of fact you guys taught me how to build amps, thanks!
If you show some respect to the members here and make an effort to learn how the circuit works, (so you can ask educated questions) I have found that everyone is perfectly willing to help to there ability. But pay your dues like the rest of us. :lol:

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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by mlp-mx6 »

bnwitt wrote:I have even seen some threads where newbies complain about a lack of centralized info on the amp and are told “read all 27 thousand threads and find out for yourself you whiner” ...
On the other hand, when people ask for a lot of information that is ALREADY COLLECTED (say, in the "Dumble Files" section) but by their question it is totally clear that they have not bothered to look for even ONE thing themselves - explain to me why I should hold their hand. They're asking for something that is already available, if only they would LOOK.
bnwitt wrote: Frankly, I find the selfish covetous attitude in here disgusting. Sir Isaac Newton once said “If I have seen further than other men it is because I have stood upon the shoulders of giants.” From what I can tell, there are too many mental midgets in this forum and not enough sharing giants.
You've assigned malice where none exists. You proceeded from there to assign guilt. From there, you became insulting. Bad form.
bnwitt wrote:With that, I bid you all au revoir. ... I hope all of you fair well in life and amp building endeavours. If you choose to flame this post, do so knowing I will not be responding or returning to this forum.
Thanks for your contributions in the past. I appreciate the layouts you have shared. To leave now is your loss. I hope you fare well also. I wonder if you consider this response "flaming." Guess I'll never know.
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by gearhead »

Classic Waterloo speach. Wasn't part of any of the proceedings myself, but the post speaks for itself.

BTW, is it too late for me to get a copy of the never-posted but had-to-ask-for asteroid layout?
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by ayan »

bnwitt wrote:I just wanted to tell all of the folks in this forum that have .... {remainder of the post snipped}.
It's too bad that you feel you put in a lot more than you got back in terms of the amount of pictures, sound clips, or anything else that one can think of. I will make a very simple statement of fact: I have dedicated more time to answering questions from everyone who's asked them (including not some but ALL the Dumble cloners out there, bar none -- well, except Tony Bruno) than any one person has ever spent answering my questions, and I still feel good about having done so. Furthermore, of all these people, the one person who has shown his gratitue the most and who is more readily willing to share everything (including products at close to cost) with anyone than the rest happens to be the same person towards whom your frustration appears to be directed. All I can do is scratch my head, my friend.

Some of us learned from fuzzy pictures, through endless hours of guesswork, trying different things, etc. From that place, I must confess that when I hear someone ask if I can put together a schematic, a kit, a parts list, etc. -- based on information that is NOW out there -- all for the asking, I wonder what's happened to the concept of hard work and dedication. I suppose it's the same thing as having to work for one's moeny vs being born rich... I belong to the former category, so I guess that aspect of me carries into everything else that I do.

Best of luck to you. I hope you change your mind and in a while are able to see value in something I think is very valuable, and I mean this forum.


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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by Darkbluemurder »

I have been keeping out of such threads since I firmly believe that they do not belong on this forum, and I believe posts like the one that started this thread are the reason Omar had to lock the forums last week. I was glad that the forums reopened and was relieved to see amp building threads again so I certainly am disappointed to see such a rude post.

Omar - please lock this thread - it's enough.
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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by dr. who »

Yes yes yes we(newbies) do get the arduous task of having to read the posts but it is for our own benefit. If someone tell's you to check the boards that usually means that they have seen the post with your required information...sometimes a little patience and a PM will get you going in the right direction. I would always love to get the immediate answer but it doesn't always happen. A lot of people on this forum are building amps and dedicate their time to that, this badassed information encyclopedia of a forum we have here it what happens from that much knowledge. Whether people can take extra time to solve your personal posts or not is something that you have to realize is at their time's discretion. Some of the builders on here are backlogged a half a year + in the amps they are committed to make and I cannot say how much I appreciate their little bits of time that they are willing to share...If I am correct this place is about the discovery of the workings of two types of amplifiers- Dumble and Trainwreck circuits. One of those circuits is very protected by it's maker and he tends to put goop all over his creations and makes people sign statements about they won't show the gut's off. I have the big man's addy and he isn't exactly sending me all of his schematics, nor is he online, so to that I think we need to try and get along if we are planning to further this forum. I have been involved with some heated debated on this forum, and it seems that a little PM usually solves this nonsense. I'm sorry that things had to come to this for you.

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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by mat »

Fisherman, I posted that thread.
Remember the "Amp is hard to play" thread? That guy got some great posts in that thread and a few guys really went out of their way to help him out. But they obviously can't help every jabroni that attempts to build an ODS to that extent.
Please explain what You mean by that ? Sorry the language barrier but I would also like to know what a 'jabroni' is ?

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Re: No Dumble BWitt layout on the way.

Post by Fischerman »

Hi Mat,
I wasn't referring to you with that word...sorry if it came across that way. Please don't think it was directed at you, it wasn't.

I use that term 'jabroni' (which I'm probably not spelling correctly) to mean 'any guy off the street' but in a generally unflattering way. My intention was for it to mean 'any random guy that doesn't know much about building amps'. Ya know...someone like me. :)
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