Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

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Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by Gasfoodlodger »

Hi everyone,
I'm not experienced with technical stuff and would like some advice if you can help? I've recently got a 65' DRRI with the stock Jensen speaker but with its 22W it breaks up real early. Still, I always planned to get a different speaker for it anyways which is seems a lot of others have also done once they get a DRRI

Just for reference purposes my favorite guitarist is a guy called Chuck Prophet so that's the kind of thing I'm aiming at tone wise. I understand when he's used a Deluxe Reverb he has a EV12 speaker in there. I know he's used Twin Reverb's as well but those are pretty weighty to carry around to some of the places we play...

Anyways, just wondering if the Eminence Delta 12A ( as it's cheaper than than the EV12) will be a cool and worthwhile replacement speaker? Will it improve the headroom a little in my DRRI?
I definitely don't want anything that's going to make the treble response even more shrill in my Deluxe....
Last edited by Gasfoodlodger on Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by bluesfendermanblues »

Gasfoodlodger wrote:Hi everyone,
I'm not experienced with technical stuff and would like some advice if you can help? I've recently got a 65' DRRI with the stock Jensen speaker but with its 22W it breaks up real early. Still, I always planned to get a different speaker for it anyways which is seems a lot of others have also done once they get a DRRI

Just for reference purposes my favorite guitarist is a guy called Chuck Prophet so that's the kind of thing I'm aiming I'm at tone wise. I understand when he's used a Deluxe Reverb he has a EV12 speaker in there. I know he's used Twin Reverb's as well but those are pretty weighty to carry around to some of the places we play...

Anyways, just wondering if the Eminence Delta 12A ( as it's cheaper than than the EV12) will be a cool and worthwhile replacement speaker? Will it improve the headroom a little in my DRRI?
I'm definitely don't want anything that's going to make the treble response even more shrill in my Deluxe....
The Delta 12A is a little darker than the EV, but not a lot. It's a fine a cheaper alternative to the EV and might in fact be a good match for the deluxe.

Never heard of Chuck Prophet before, but took a quick browse at itunes....interesting singer lots of inspirations from David Bowie.

Hint: Sounds like he's playing mostly chimey rythm guitar - you might consider a VOX AC30 (or AC15 for lower weight) for that kind of sound (Johnny Marr and such).
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Re: Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by Gasfoodlodger »

Cool, many thanks for the reply and advice..

When you say Darker? I guess you mean not so bright sounding overall? That may be a real good thing then for me.
It seems some people take the 'Bright cap' off the vibrato/reverb channel to take away the brittle sounding trebles with the Jensen stock speaker but then others say it doesn't make that much difference. We all hear things differently I guess...

I'm guessing I should get a bit more headroom then seeing as the Eminence Delta 12 is 400w?
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Re: Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by bluesfendermanblues »

Gasfoodlodger wrote:Cool, many thanks for the reply and advice..
When you say Darker? I guess you mean not so bright sounding overall?
Exactly, but the best advise is to use your ears and your own taste.

As said earlier, I don't hear "EV-sound" in the mentioned itunes tunes, but more british AC30'ish sounds. So, dont expect that exchanging the jensen, will give you the mentioned sounds. Chuck probably plays larger venues than you and therefore his deluxe would distort in a way he don't like for his required volume level.

You, on the other hand, could end up with a deluxe (with the EV or Emmi) that 99% of the time sounds 'hard' - and 1% of the time, with the volume above 4, it sounds good.

The Jensen is a light cone speaker that distorts more. The EV and Emi' Delta have a heavier speaker cone (and a heavy magnet to compensate for that).

The Jensen might be a better choice for lower volume levels.
Gasfoodlodger wrote:I'm guessing I should get a bit more headroom then seeing as the Eminence Delta 12 is 400w?
Yes, you will get a cleaner amp. The Emi will distort less than the Jensen and it will be a bit louder, since the speakers sensitivity is higher.

However, the sound difference is mainly due to the different design of the speaker light cone/small magnet vs. heavy cone/large magnet.

Have fun.
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Re: Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by Gasfoodlodger »

I'll definitely take your advice, I'll go and try out a VOX AC30 at my local guitar shop next weekend. Just had a look and they stock quite a few. At 30w that would be a nice amount of power as well.

I don't regret getting this DRRI, I just wish it had a bit more headroom at band levels. At home levels it's great.

Although saying that, there's a hiss I can hear in idle mode and if I turn the reverb up through to 3 there's a buzzing noise that gets louder the more I increase it and when the vibrato is activated it sounds like there's a bird flapping away in there...pretty loud. (are all these things normal?) Reverb at around 3 is plenty I find anyway but when you start increasing the level it really starts to buzz without the guitar being plugged in.

I've got warranty on it so if you reckon there's a problem I can easily take it back. I've seen 'mods' and all sorts people do to these amps but I'm not going to start messing around myself, I haven't got the knowledge, would void the warranty and I'd probably end up blowing the thing up or me!

I notice many people put in a Weber speaker or a Eminence Cannabis Rex as soon as they get a DRRI but they don't mention what kind of music they are playing through it. I'm playing Alternative Country. What would you say about those as a replacement bearing in mind the music I'm playing? A potential improvement on the crisp and thin sounding Jensen stock speaker I have? Just a bit more headroom, that would satisfy me at band level. But as I said before not a speaker that's going to make it even brighter on the high end...

Everywhere we play gig wise I get my amp miked up and I have the volume between 5 and 6 when doing so but that's like the break up point. Would it be worth miking up at say 4 instead? Would that cut through when miked up? This is where I'm really inexperienced to tell you the truth, the way I've always the judged the level for on stage is the level I use when we rehearse and I use that level for wherever we play ( Always small to medium venues) I've only gigged with this amp twice so far...

Hope you don't mind me asking you quite a few questions, your advice and guidance is much appreciated!
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Re: Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by bluesfendermanblues »

Gasfoodlodger wrote:I'll definitely take your advice, I'll go and try out a VOX AC30 at my local guitar shop next weekend. Just had a look and they stock quite a few. At 30w that would be a nice amount of power as well.

I don't regret getting this DRRI, I just wish it had a bit more headroom at band levels. At home levels it's great.

Although saying that, there's a hiss I can hear in idle mode and if I turn the reverb up through to 3 there's a buzzing noise that gets louder the more I increase it and when the vibrato is activated it sounds like there's a bird flapping away in there...pretty loud. (are all these things normal?) Reverb at around 3 is plenty I find anyway but when you start increasing the level it really starts to buzz without the guitar being plugged in.

I've got warranty on it so if you reckon there's a problem I can easily take it back. I've seen 'mods' and all sorts people do to these amps but I'm not going to start messing around myself, I haven't got the knowledge, would void the warranty and I'd probably end up blowing the thing up or me!

I notice many people put in a Weber speaker or a Eminence Cannabis Rex as soon as they get a DRRI but they don't mention what kind of music they are playing through it. I'm playing Alternative Country. What would you say about those as a replacement bearing in mind the music I'm playing? A potential improvement on the crisp and thin sounding Jensen stock speaker I have? Just a bit more headroom, that would satisfy me at band level. But as I said before not a speaker that's going to make it even brighter on the high end...

Everywhere we play gig wise I get my amp miked up and I have the volume between 5 and 6 when doing so but that's like the break up point. Would it be worth miking up at say 4 instead? Would that cut through when miked up? This is where I'm really inexperienced to tell you the truth, the way I've always the judged the level for on stage is the level I use when we rehearse and I use that level for wherever we play ( Always small to medium venues) I've only gigged with this amp twice so far...

Hope you don't mind me asking you quite a few questions, your advice and guidance is much appreciated!
Sounds like a great idea to have the volume on '4' and miking your amp. Alternatively you could use an extension cabinet to get more volumen and sound dispersion. Consider a Thiele (Bass reflex) cabinet like e.g. the Mesa Boogie Thiele. And put your deluxe on top. and you'll have plenty of volume.

Make sure the extension cab is 8 ohms and you'll be fine.
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Re: Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by Gasfoodlodger »

Yeah, I'm guessing miking at lower volume may be the answer or maybe even cranking it up higher and lowering the volume on guitar...

I'm sure I'll sort something out one way or another! Thanks again for your help.
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Re: Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by vibratoking »

Basically, it sounds like you want pristine, loud cleans?

You basically want a clean pre and a big power section. I know it's heavy, but you are describing a Twin or one of it's many cousins.

BTW, if the DR doesn't do what you want, I doubt the AC30 will either.

3 or 4 on most BF Fenders is almost the top of their volume. After that you get more overdrive and a diminishing volume increase. But no more cleans for sure.
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Re: Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by matt h »

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Re: Eminence Delta 12A in 1965 Fender DRRI?

Post by Phazor »

IMO an AC 30 might be the one for the tone. I have an old one from 60's with a GZ34 and it has way more clean output than my 6G3 Deluxe. Also the tone is rich and chimes with a pair of G12H. 65 deluxe is a little different than a 6G3 but not a lot. They always feel underpowered. The AC30 feels more like a 50 marshall as far as level. You keep up with a drummer on level when you need it.

In general I think you would like a G12 65 for the clean bright topend. A G12 vintage would be to bright.

The hiss level you talk about sounds normal for the amp you describe.
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