Lee Jackson videos

Marshall Amp Discussion

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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Cameron »

Reeltarded wrote: Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:20 am Just thought of this; We aren't itching for Kolbe mods.. nobody wants a Jackson mod... everyone wants to know which legs to cut off the spider. Everyone wants a Jose mod.. ask Mark Cameron. Without Jose, there would not be rock, nor Dave Friedman.

I hope Mark comes along sometime and sees this.
I've heard some pretty good mods by Lee.. but it seemed to be hit or miss ... The Dokken under lock and key album is Don's 69 super lead for the rhythm guitars ...I've talked to Don about it and he let me play through it......that one sounds great...and is the mod he shows in those videos

Actually ...Jose had some pretty bad mods ...lots of people hated his stuff and were de-modding them ...plus a bunch of them with the diode clipping ..killed the diodes ..so the sound would lose gain over time and it seems most tech's couldn't figure out that was the problem. The mod I do and the master I do is actually not the way Jose did it. Jose ..when he did the clipping as part of the mod ...not all Jose mods had the clipping circuit.....he would use a very hard to find these days... duel pot with a switch....and switch between a pre tone stack master and a post tone stack master as well as add a tube....which I don't. The mod I do is not the same as Jose's....but people seem to think it is. When I worked at a store called A/V music ....we bought Jose's shop at an auction. Got a bunch of amps ...some not finished ..that I think were for the DLR tour but never finished....as well as a few rock star amps ...like Mick Mars and others ...these I completed the mods using his parts ...so there are a bunch of amps that people think are "Jose" mods out there and the owner ...who was a real goof ..sold them as real Jose mods ...something I was not happy about. BUT ...I already had a mod I was doing for a few years before this Jose mod stuff started.... that people call the Aldrich mod ...but Doug didn't get his until the mid 90s ...before this it was just my mod ..Cameron mod ..the internet and forums made the Aldrich name stick as it's name ...John Norum used it in the early 90s before Doug and I also did a bunch for a store in Tokyo in 1990 -91 .......I kept getting asked to do Jose's mod ..but I don't like to copy other people's mods ...a liked mine better....haha ....but I was asked so much ....and Jose was gone ...so I came up with my own version of the basic idea ...without the master switching before and after the tone stack stuff ....I put a switch to give different clipping levels and made the bright caps switchable ...added a resonance/depth pot ...and didn't add an extra tube by leaving out the normal channel side he left in...as well as the circuit is a little different than his. If my version didn't get as popular as it did ...people would lump Jose into the Lee category as he did a lot of mods that sounded ..well lets just say....not so good... ..My version is the one people and some companies are copying but say it's just a Jose mod ...it's not ...but whatever ..it is what it is.....so that's a bit of the Jose story some may not know.....
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Reeltarded »

haha we have all done a couple sinkers. ;)

I hear ya about the liking your ideas better than other stuff. I arrived at my own things by thinking someone else missed the point. The only reason I am even here is because I chased a noise that no one else seemed to nail, my experiences with 3-4 guys along the way were at least futile. Talk three hours on a phone to get started, builder agrees to make an over the top gain monster.. subsequent calls start worrying me when they lowered my expectation, amp arrives and sounds marginally different from a 4-holer with a Rat and most of the lowend missing.. or pinched and shitty with one dynamic and all face. wtf

John Norum's shit sounded fantastic, huh? hehe

My favorite three amps use a couple core ideas lifted from schematics that are supposed to be your ideas but those schematics don't work at all. I use the CF master and a gain control for each stage with selectable bypass caps on each. I have diode clippers in for fun but I never use them.

I worked at SIR while attending GIT early 80s and never did anything but put stuff in a pile or back on a shelf. I was a guitar playing kid going to music school and never wanted to know more about amps. It all started with spending money on a long string of failures. 1982... I read this place for almost 5 years before I even signed up. I think 2009.. I can't see my info from here.

Still; the best sound is a pair of 4-holers cascaded with a simple box full of resistors between them. I wish I could get that into one machine.

- some old kid with a raging pile of shit
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Cameron »

Do you mean ...when you say cascading two 4 holers ....loading down one and running it into the other ? ...because yes that can sound very cool!!....I showed how to do that in an old Metro thread in some discussion about EVH a long time ago ..as I'm pretty sure that's what he did .... Allan Holdsworth was doing this way back in the early 70s. I have a load box Jose made just for that purpose....I've been told that Eddie used this the one I have back in the club days ....it was hidden in the bomb. Doing this and hitting the front with an MXR 6 band EQ is the basic EVH tone.....but ED is the main ingredient to that...his hands and the way he plays.....otherwise it's just a great sounding tone with a good feel ..very easy and fun to play with this set up. Some guys have made amps with this setup ..two amps and a load all in one box....they're out there....
Yes, lots of schematics of my stuff out there ...but most are wrong...but the basic ideas are in those ....and I don't do the same thing every time ..it's different because of the amp and and person getting it. Back when I started to get into this ...there wasn't a lot of schematics around ...at least for me .. just the GT book ...and Ken Fisher pages that I got ...but not high gain stuff ....so it was just experiments and trying goofy ideas I had ..that's how the Aldrich mod came about ..it's not a copy of anything...just trial and error. Most modders would add gain but most I tried felt like shit..just hard to play .....that's why I started to mess with this stuff...wanting gain with a dynamic feel ...so I could play my silly shred stuff ..haha.... I thought about going to MI but just never did it ..who knows... I may have run into you ...I was always at the stores up on Sunset and worked at Waldo's ...a great guitar store...as well as Ace music and Guitar Guitar in the valley...crazy when I think how long it's been ...in some ways it seems like yesterday....best times of my life back then ...wish I could go back.......haha....
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Reeltarded »

Yep. Cascaded 4-holers is ABSOLUTELY how that sound is made. I have no doubt. The second amp can actually be damned near anything though.. too many examples to even start sorting. My practice rig used to be a shitty Peavey something chorus with a fixed output load between the input on it and whatever Marshall was closest to the door on the truck. Pillow muted it like a mafia hit victim and cranked the volume. Never once did anyone call the front desk. Not once. I'm a thoughtful player. ;)

Half the schemes of your stuff are broken at a first glance. The ones you can mae work don't sound like your amps at all.

I used to spend all my time walking either up Sunset to the GC and Ace, Valdez.. omg that guy.. so angry at him. Rick Derringer said he was awesome. Maybe he can build an Ice Cream but the sob couldn't repair anything. Every Wednesday at Snow White's for a tuna sandwich, then down to Perfomance to see if any rockstars had set a new trend since last week.

Jim Kelly amps.. eccchhhh. Lab Series.. ooof.. GIT was starved for tone.

Did you ever go to the IHoP on Sunset back when that family owned and ran it. I think they were pakistani.. but they always dressed in formal attire and the food on your plate was a perfect rendition of the picture on the menu. That was detail.. anytime I have ever returned to LA I always demand Highland Gardens. I used to live at 1764 N. Sycamore. I liked it then.. they remodeled reality though.. like they did in Vegas. liked it when it was rough around the edges, not deadly but faking it. ;)

No lie, this is a quoted broadcast over a police unit's PA on Sunset Blvd: "Spread out!! Too many whores on one block!!".

Hollywood's little community of the short future. So much of that time developed into meh things. Tobias.. Michael.. wtf.. and we all know what GC turned into.

I wish I could go back in time. Going back in space just isn't to the place..
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Cameron »

Reeltarded wrote: Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:22 pm Yep. Cascaded 4-holers is ABSOLUTELY how that sound is made. I have no doubt. The second amp can actually be damned near anything though.. too many examples to even start sorting. My practice rig used to be a shitty Peavey something chorus with a fixed output load between the input on it and whatever Marshall was closest to the door on the truck. Pillow muted it like a mafia hit victim and cranked the volume. Never once did anyone call the front desk. Not once. I'm a thoughtful player. ;)

Half the schemes of your stuff are broken at a first glance. The ones you can mae work don't sound like your amps at all.

I used to spend all my time walking either up Sunset to the GC and Ace, Valdez.. omg that guy.. so angry at him. Rick Derringer said he was awesome. Maybe he can build an Ice Cream but the sob couldn't repair anything. Every Wednesday at Snow White's for a tuna sandwich, then down to Perfomance to see if any rockstars had set a new trend since last week.

Jim Kelly amps.. eccchhhh. Lab Series.. ooof.. GIT was starved for tone.

Did you ever go to the IHoP on Sunset back when that family owned and ran it. I think they were pakistani.. but they always dressed in formal attire and the food on your plate was a perfect rendition of the picture on the menu. That was detail.. anytime I have ever returned to LA I always demand Highland Gardens. I used to live at 1764 N. Sycamore. I liked it then.. they remodeled reality though.. like they did in Vegas. liked it when it was rough around the edges, not deadly but faking it. ;)

No lie, this is a quoted broadcast over a police unit's PA on Sunset Blvd: "Spread out!! Too many whores on one block!!".

Hollywood's little community of the short future. So much of that time developed into meh things. Tobias.. Michael.. wtf.. and we all know what GC turned into.

I wish I could go back in time. Going back in space just isn't to the place..
....that's funny you mention the Peavey .....one of my first big amp rigs I setup for myself was ...a Peavey bandit w/EH hottubes in front...loaded down ...lineout to some old rack stuff for delay and chorus and other wacky effects....then out to two Fender blackface Basemans two Marshall cabs .....it sounded awesome ....looked like a science protect ...haha....a few years ago I hooked it all back up ....still sounded amazing....I'm sure you remember ...back then you didn't buy the new hip flavor of the month amp ....you tried all kinds of crazy shit .. and tried to get a unique tone ...something that was your tone ...that's what ED did.
Yes back then when Hollywood was dirty and bands everywhere ...dirty ...but so much creativity ...it just made you want to play.. find a band ...I hung out more at the stores on Sunset during the day getting a burger at the Sunset grill or that iHop you mentioned ..that place made me realize iHop made great a burger. ...then it was the club's ...Whiskey ..Gazzari's ...all those places ...Tenmassa's was the main place I was at if not playing or watching a band ...also was into street racing ..so I would go to wherever people would meet up ...used to hang out with Jake E Lee there ...he loved that stuff instead of the Hollywood stuff......ahh ...such good times ...yep ...love to go back .....haha.....we need to build a tube time machine....haha....
Valdez ...haha ...never saw anyone in that place ...and nothing really in there ...if he did have something ...it was way overpriced...and not very nice to people that walked in there..never bothered with them. I'm surprised they stayed open for as long as they did....
I actually kind of like Jim Kelly and the Lab Series amps ..but I do like oddball amps ...and the challenge to get a good tone out of it.....
I had a few friends that lived on Sycamore and Orange ...it seemed if you went to MI you most likely live there ....haha ...probably did see you ...very small world sometimes ...haha....
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Reeltarded »

Frontier Fried Chicken. lol I miss the food. I miss early morning Hollwood Blvd with only me and street sweepers. I miss Pollo Loco. I miss the food. My last trips out revolved around hitting Toi for a volcano of thai based mouth torture.

I made my first vintage guitar sale to Norm when everyone at school though my dot neck was a reissue. hah

I throw all my Wha pedals to make them microphonic. I started doing that so I could use one as a treble boost to the same lil Peavey thing with a Bartolini Tube-It. Turn the treble off on the amp, treble off on the Tube it and give the signal nothing but full Wah. It was noisy and about as well mannered as a bull on meth. You had to have mad hand muting skills. I miss that little amp...

It's no fun if you expect it.

I have no idea why I don't own one of your amps. Explain to me why I don't have one of your amps. I need to figure that out.

Cameron wrote: Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:11 pm
Reeltarded wrote: Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:22 pm Yep. Cascaded 4-holers is ABSOLUTELY how that sound is made. I have no doubt. The second amp can actually be damned near anything though.. too many examples to even start sorting. My practice rig used to be a shitty Peavey something chorus with a fixed output load between the input on it and whatever Marshall was closest to the door on the truck. Pillow muted it like a mafia hit victim and cranked the volume. Never once did anyone call the front desk. Not once. I'm a thoughtful player. ;)

Half the schemes of your stuff are broken at a first glance. The ones you can mae work don't sound like your amps at all.

I used to spend all my time walking either up Sunset to the GC and Ace, Valdez.. omg that guy.. so angry at him. Rick Derringer said he was awesome. Maybe he can build an Ice Cream but the sob couldn't repair anything. Every Wednesday at Snow White's for a tuna sandwich, then down to Perfomance to see if any rockstars had set a new trend since last week.

Jim Kelly amps.. eccchhhh. Lab Series.. ooof.. GIT was starved for tone.

Did you ever go to the IHoP on Sunset back when that family owned and ran it. I think they were pakistani.. but they always dressed in formal attire and the food on your plate was a perfect rendition of the picture on the menu. That was detail.. anytime I have ever returned to LA I always demand Highland Gardens. I used to live at 1764 N. Sycamore. I liked it then.. they remodeled reality though.. like they did in Vegas. liked it when it was rough around the edges, not deadly but faking it. ;)

No lie, this is a quoted broadcast over a police unit's PA on Sunset Blvd: "Spread out!! Too many whores on one block!!".

Hollywood's little community of the short future. So much of that time developed into meh things. Tobias.. Michael.. wtf.. and we all know what GC turned into.

I wish I could go back in time. Going back in space just isn't to the place..
....that's funny you mention the Peavey .....one of my first big amp rigs I setup for myself was ...a Peavey bandit w/EH hottubes in front...loaded down ...lineout to some old rack stuff for delay and chorus and other wacky effects....then out to two Fender blackface Basemans two Marshall cabs .....it sounded awesome ....looked like a science protect ...haha....a few years ago I hooked it all back up ....still sounded amazing....I'm sure you remember ...back then you didn't buy the new hip flavor of the month amp ....you tried all kinds of crazy shit .. and tried to get a unique tone ...something that was your tone ...that's what ED did.
Yes back then when Hollywood was dirty and bands everywhere ...dirty ...but so much creativity ...it just made you want to play.. find a band ...I hung out more at the stores on Sunset during the day getting a burger at the Sunset grill or that iHop you mentioned ..that place made me realize iHop made great a burger. ...then it was the club's ...Whiskey ..Gazzari's ...all those places ...Tenmassa's was the main place I was at if not playing or watching a band ...also was into street racing ..so I would go to wherever people would meet up ...used to hang out with Jake E Lee there ...he loved that stuff instead of the Hollywood stuff......ahh ...such good times ...yep ...love to go back .....haha.....we need to build a tube time machine....haha....
Valdez ...haha ...never saw anyone in that place ...and nothing really in there ...if he did have something ...it was way overpriced...and not very nice to people that walked in there..never bothered with them. I'm surprised they stayed open for as long as they did....
I actually kind of like Jim Kelly and the Lab Series amps ..but I do like oddball amps ...and the challenge to get a good tone out of it.....
I had a few friends that lived on Sycamore and Orange ...it seemed if you went to MI you most likely live there ....haha ...probably did see you ...very small world sometimes ...haha....
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Cameron »

Reeltarded wrote: Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:05 pm Frontier Fried Chicken. lol I miss the food. I miss early morning Hollwood Blvd with only me and street sweepers. I miss Pollo Loco. I miss the food. My last trips out revolved around hitting Toi for a volcano of thai based mouth torture.

I made my first vintage guitar sale to Norm when everyone at school though my dot neck was a reissue. hah

I throw all my Wha pedals to make them microphonic. I started doing that so I could use one as a treble boost to the same lil Peavey thing with a Bartolini Tube-It. Turn the treble off on the amp, treble off on the Tube it and give the signal nothing but full Wah. It was noisy and about as well mannered as a bull on meth. You had to have mad hand muting skills. I miss that little amp...

It's no fun if you expect it.

I have no idea why I don't own one of your amps. Explain to me why I don't have one of your amps. I need to figure that out.
Ahh yes ....Frontier fried chicken....that was some good food!!!....now I'm hungry just thinking about it ...haha....
hahaha ....probably because you can do it yourself.....I'm surprised anybody gives a shit ..no magic in this stuff... I let my ears guide me ..I just started doing the amp stuff for me and my friends ...just a continuation of trying to get the sound I hear in my head...I wanted to be a guitar player in a band ...any band ....haha. or even a guitar tech for a touring band. I thought knowing this stuff would help be more useful on the road.......never wanted to do this for a living..still don't ....haha.....it just happened ..and dragged me down the road with it ....haha...
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Reeltarded »

I have a Major that I want to kill. Plan was to use Brian's transformers to get it down to 100w and rip the guts out. I even considered making a 100w Express out of it for a minute..

I need a board that looks like Marshall for it and a 72 SL. You don't know anyone with a non-shitty board supply, do ya? :)

Nope. Your amps have that dryness that can't be copied. There is that one Swedish guy who turns Laney PA heada into ALMOST that good, but you sprinkle hamster souls or something in your amps. It sounds flat and thumpy but it goes WHEEEE-ZHINGGGG! Like George Lynch with a dick. :mrgreen:
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Bob Simpson »

Are these the mods we're talking about?
About which we are talking?

http://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.ph ... ll#p150537

There's some humor there, towards the end of that thread....

Bob Simpson
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Cameron »

Bob Simpson wrote: Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:13 am Are these the mods we're talking about?
About which we are talking?

http://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.ph ... ll#p150537

There's some humor there, towards the end of that thread....

Bob Simpson
Not much humor there ....I was very sick for a long time ...I know people want to say it has to do with drugs and shit ....but I had and still do have some serious health issues ....but at that time ...I was not able to work much ....and this customer was bugging the shit out of me ...wasn't very understanding to my situation.....so when I was covering up the values of the parts ....the bottle fell over and spilled in the amp ...I tried to wipe it up ...but it just made it worse....so I had a spray can of the same stuff ...it's not paint ..it's actually electronic anti arcing stuff ...I forget what it's called ...but anyway...I tried to just spray it ...but it really didn't work ...and I was pissed and could barely move ..felt like shit and just got angry and left it that way ...just didn't care at that point ....no ...I'm not proud of that ....just a shitty mistake ..but if you could understand the way my health was and how it was effecting me ....and to ad to that the internet dickheads telling bullshit stories ...thinking it was funny I was broke and sick ...or they thought I was high ...it was one of the worst times in my life ...at that point I just didn't give a shit .....
And that's the only amp you will ever see like that ....I've been doing this since the early 90 ...I couldn't even tell you how many amps I've done ....but I stand by them ..and they sound good ...I try to get the best sound for my customers and you don't hear of them blowing up or people saying they sound like shit out of the thousands I've probably done ....and you have people copying my stuff and making money off my work....and shitty business partners trying to play games and steal my name so they can put out my amps and not pay me ....I never made shit doing this ...I still barely get by ...I regret ever getting into this crap ..wish I got a regular job ...I actually hate this now ..but I'm pretty much stuck doing this ....thanks for making a great ending to this thread....I thought this was a cool place ...not rig talk .....I'm out ....have a great night .....
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by Reeltarded »

I like it. I like the splatter and the colors and the pissed off indignation. What's a gut shot without a lot of blood?

I bet that amp sounds great. Who would put a loop in there? The processing comes after the amp for anyone who drives real speakers. The customer would have looped a tuner, a Boss chorus, and one of those grey Fartone boost pedals for solos.

If someone brings matches, I buy the gas. People ask me wtf that was. I am proud to tell them.

Rock requires a narrative. You can't find evidence of me ever doing anything like that to a pushy customer because: fire and a shovel. I will only say that I produced a record for Jimmy Hoffa that you've never heard about.

I love that amp.
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by JoshBernstein »

"An easy way to carry this is by the capacitors"
seems like a great idea to me
Not really
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by oj »

Cameron wrote: Fri Jun 29, 2018 5:33 am
Bob Simpson wrote: Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:13 am Are these the mods we're talking about?
About which we are talking?

http://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.ph ... ll#p150537

There's some humor there, towards the end of that thread....

Bob Simpson
Not much humor there ....I was very sick for a long time ...I know people want to say it has to do with drugs and shit ....but I had and still do have some serious health issues ....but at that time ...I was not able to work much ....and this customer was bugging the shit out of me ...wasn't very understanding to my situation.....so when I was covering up the values of the parts ....the bottle fell over and spilled in the amp ...I tried to wipe it up ...but it just made it worse....so I had a spray can of the same stuff ...it's not paint ..it's actually electronic anti arcing stuff ...I forget what it's called ...but anyway...I tried to just spray it ...but it really didn't work ...and I was pissed and could barely move ..felt like shit and just got angry and left it that way ...just didn't care at that point ....no ...I'm not proud of that ....just a shitty mistake ..but if you could understand the way my health was and how it was effecting me ....and to ad to that the internet dickheads telling bullshit stories ...thinking it was funny I was broke and sick ...or they thought I was high ...it was one of the worst times in my life ...at that point I just didn't give a shit .....
And that's the only amp you will ever see like that ....I've been doing this since the early 90 ...I couldn't even tell you how many amps I've done ....but I stand by them ..and they sound good ...I try to get the best sound for my customers and you don't hear of them blowing up or people saying they sound like shit out of the thousands I've probably done ....and you have people copying my stuff and making money off my work....and shitty business partners trying to play games and steal my name so they can put out my amps and not pay me ....I never made shit doing this ...I still barely get by ...I regret ever getting into this crap ..wish I got a regular job ...I actually hate this now ..but I'm pretty much stuck doing this ....thanks for making a great ending to this thread....I thought this was a cool place ...not rig talk .....I'm out ....have a great night .....

Did he bugg you spray paint and gou his amp ?

Your are missing det pont, and you get just : bla, bla
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by cbass »

oj wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:00 pm
Cameron wrote: Fri Jun 29, 2018 5:33 am
Bob Simpson wrote: Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:13 am Are these the mods we're talking about?
About which we are talking?

http://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.ph ... ll#p150537

There's some humor there, towards the end of that thread....

Bob Simpson
Not much humor there ....I was very sick for a long time ...I know people want to say it has to do with drugs and shit ....but I had and still do have some serious health issues ....but at that time ...I was not able to work much ....and this customer was bugging the shit out of me ...wasn't very understanding to my situation.....so when I was covering up the values of the parts ....the bottle fell over and spilled in the amp ...I tried to wipe it up ...but it just made it worse....so I had a spray can of the same stuff ...it's not paint ..it's actually electronic anti arcing stuff ...I forget what it's called ...but anyway...I tried to just spray it ...but it really didn't work ...and I was pissed and could barely move ..felt like shit and just got angry and left it that way ...just didn't care at that point ....no ...I'm not proud of that ....just a shitty mistake ..but if you could understand the way my health was and how it was effecting me ....and to ad to that the internet dickheads telling bullshit stories ...thinking it was funny I was broke and sick ...or they thought I was high ...it was one of the worst times in my life ...at that point I just didn't give a shit .....
And that's the only amp you will ever see like that ....I've been doing this since the early 90 ...I couldn't even tell you how many amps I've done ....but I stand by them ..and they sound good ...I try to get the best sound for my customers and you don't hear of them blowing up or people saying they sound like shit out of the thousands I've probably done ....and you have people copying my stuff and making money off my work....and shitty business partners trying to play games and steal my name so they can put out my amps and not pay me ....I never made shit doing this ...I still barely get by ...I regret ever getting into this crap ..wish I got a regular job ...I actually hate this now ..but I'm pretty much stuck doing this ....thanks for making a great ending to this thread....I thought this was a cool place ...not rig talk .....I'm out ....have a great night .....

Did he bugg you spray paint and gou his amp ?

Your are missing det pont, and you get just : bla, bla
hey oj dont you have more important things to address. like finding the real killers
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Re: Lee Jackson videos

Post by oj »

cbass wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:05 pm
oj wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:00 pm

Did he bugg you spray paint and gou his amp ?

Your are missing det pont, and you get just : bla, bla
hey oj dont you have more important things to address. like finding the real killers
What u mean ?
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