Oh, 1 more thing missing on the Rocket..(+ KF flyer & cl

Express, Liverpool, Rocket, Dirty Little Monster, etc.

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Re: Oh, 1 more thing missing on the Rocket..(+ KF flyer & cl

Post by 2tone »

Rooster I'll try to get a pic. My digital cam has been intermittent lately (it's a dinosaur).. My Rocket is Dyna,made in 91 I believe(have to look again!). Came via UPS with the cabinet cracked in half, and was shipped in a custom flight case, whicj was put in a larger box with peanut foam. I figure it fell from the plane door during unloading...Chassis was OK..
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Re: Oh, 1 more thing missing on the Rocket..(+ KF flyer & cl

Post by rooster »

2tone - Woah, that's interesting in itself, a broken head case! What did Ken say or do about that? How did this all work out and man, he must've been pissed at the shipping company.

Hm. One time working in a music store, this out of town woman musician came in with a brown '62 Princeton she was having troubles with. She was going to a radio interview and a gig later that day. It had an Oxford ceramic 10" in it. She had just come up from San Francisco with the amp on a flight and had even bought an Anvil case for it. The interior of the case had 1" of play in it, top to bottom because it wasn't really made fror the Princeton - all foam lined of course. Any, the magnet was hanging on the basket - the baggage handlers had thrown the case down so hard the magnet had come unglued from the basket! I couldn't believe it actually. Even with only that little bit of play they had thrown that case down so hard it took that magnet out. Incredible. Shite like this sucks. Oh, and BTW, not one tube was broken or had fallen out of the sockets!

And going back to your story, man you must've been so disappointed because I know you had to wait for that amp. Wow, what an introduction to 'Dyna' you say? That's an interesting name isn't it? Like 'dynamite' shortened, eh? Man, 2tone, I wished I owned some dynamite that Ken had made for me!! How cool is that? Yes, I would love to see a pic even more now. Take care.
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Re: Oh, 1 more thing missing on the Rocket..(+ KF flyer & cl

Post by 2tone »

The UPS horrors taught me how to pack amps..My Liverpool also arrived, in a custom flight case, with 2 big dents in the top edge. Ken did send me another cab for the Rockett, but the Liverpool has it's trademark dents to this day. So much for custom flight cases!! They should have had another layer of good foam all around, becasue the inertia of a drop caused movement and compression of the case's foam, enough to dent the cab. I have had speaker mags torn off too, transformers hanging by the wires, reverb pans stuck to the speaker magnet etc etc. They always damage the amp you really want to arrive intact..Anyway, back then cosmetics weren't an issue with me. I further adultered the Trainwreck cabs by putting leather carrying handles on the top of the cabs! much to Ken's dismay!! I told him i bought the amps to take around and play, not to display..Today I probably wouldn't do such a thing to the cabs, but would have bought custom carry bags.. The cabs weren't that strong, no finger joints etc, and the glue seams were a weak spot. I still have a custom painted faceplate for a Liverpool that never was built ( the face plate sat in Ken's shop for 7 years, then finally I had him send it to me. I'm going to use it on a home built head..
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Re: Oh, 1 more thing missing on the Rocket..(+ KF flyer & cl

Post by rooster »

2tone - Woah, that's a crazy story. The damaged delivery, yes, but then there's the fact you had a few TWs and were trying to buy more!

I have to assume that you were a fan of Ken's via Vintage Guitar? I was too, and those articles caused me to call him up a few times in '92. I couldn't afford his amps but he was unconcerned with my wallet. He said I should just order one and make the decision when it was completed. Well, that was tempting but then I had never even played one. Here my rational nature jumped up I guess. I should have pulled the trigger but, in hindsight, I would have had to rob a bank at the time. And that, in part, is how I ended up on this site actually. (Er, no I haven't robbed a bank!) Eventually, and not too long ago, I did finally play one. And it wasn't actually a real one, but a clone made by Alan Phillips. It blew me away, of course. So it all kind of came home many years later for me. If I ever actually play a REAL TW, well, that will be a good day on so many levels. However, for now, I am very content to be playing my clones - and I even accept that I may never run into a real one. I had my chance, it wasn't in the cards.

But you actually pulled the trigger! Man, you go! That's something I enjoy knowing for some reason. Honestly, here I am talking about MY disappointment for not making an effort to buy an outstanding amp - yes - but there is also a greater part of me that feels that I let Ken down. I am not sure you can relate to this, 2tone, because you pulled the trigger. In my case, if I had the money, I would have gladly spent it with Ken for so many reasons more than owning a cool amp. Forgetting his health issues for a minute, which I was hearing about via VG, I would also have enjoyed being able to give something back to him for all those very cool articles I so eagerly read each month. ?? Somehow I think you can relate to my thinking here, 2tone. I had then, and have even more so now, a great respect for the man. In my world, he was then and still is a Hero of sorts.

Eh, OK, I am going on.... I think he was a unique human being and the world is not the same without him. There. 8)

And now I can see that all the shipping mishaps - which were probably a total drag at the time - were a catalyst to a relationship that many here did not and will not have with Ken. Good for you is what I say to this, 2tone!! So OK, like I said way back in this post, blog away!!! Nobody here is going to be bored with anything you have to say about Ken Fischer.

Eh, when and if you feel like it then. Take care, 2tone.
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Post by 2tone »

Sorry Rooster, i meant to make my statement a reply but it got posted as a new topic, under "Ken". Fitting anyway, as it's his birthday today.
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