problems with my first build

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Post by analogjunkie »

After stepping away from this for a few days, I went ahead and did the test structo suggested, and found the OD section to be non responsive. I decided to simplify and take out the relays, and that seemed to be part of the problem. Everything "pops". Now all the pots seem to be doing something, but there is still no signal passing. I rewired the input to triple check it was done as the layout shows, still no signal passing.

I do not want to take this to a tech because I am confident I can fix it myself with a little guidance from you guys. Any input would be appreciated.
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Re: problems with my first build

Post by 10thTx »

Just to rule out a possible problem............

On ALL the shielded wiring, make sure the signal wire inside is NOT shorted to the grounded shielding wire around it. IF you have continuity between the inside wire with ground, then you have a problem.

Double & triple check the input jack wiring. For example, Radio Shack shorting input jacks are not the same as typical fender type input jacks.
So, if you wired up a Radio Shack input jack similar to a fender input jack, then you'd have no signal at input even though you can get pops on following gain stage plates.

You can also try jumpering from the first stage preamp into the LTPI bypassing the second triode in the clean channel and the OD section. Does that produce a signal? If so, then there is a problem somewhere in the second gain stage of the clean channel and/or OD section.

Use insulated jumper clips & turn the amp off between each of these steps and drain the filter caps before trying it for the next stage.

IF there is not a problem and you get a signal, then continue the jumpering thru each stage into the LTPI. You're trying to determine and isolate where the signal is lost.

With respect, 10thtx
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Re: problems with my first build

Post by analogjunkie »

I built a probe and did the audio test on all the joints. Audio passes through all of them, including the input. The pots were acting sort of funny in terms of quick rise in volume when turned up, but I guess that is the power coming form the iPod?

the guitar signal breaks up like a bad fuzz pedal on the clean side, and there is no signal going to od. It doesn't make much sense to me. :?:
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