Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

Post by Fischerman »

Is this schematic close? I tweeked a couple of values to be the 'standard' resistance values (like 22k for 24k and 56k for 54k). I tried to draw the power supply like the hand drawn Mark Abbott schemo...which I think is very similar to an AC30. I didn't know all the filter values (OT center tap and screen nodes). So I chose the 80uF for the OT center tap (per Mark's notes) and 32uF for the screens (just picked a value...16uF would probably be fine too).

Anybody know why Vox used only 8uF on the PI (V3) node but 32uF on the node for V2?
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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

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This double post and slow response BS is getting really frustrating.
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Rocket Schematic - With labels

Post by RJ Guitars »

Hello Trainwreck Rocket curious...

We will soon start the countdown for liftoff of the Rockit Group build project.

I received the first set of transformers from Heyboer today... 11 more sets are in production.

The machine shop also confirmed today that our CNC machine is being programmed and the chips will fly tomorrow at the machine shop.

In the meantime many of us have been pounding out schematics and parts lists. I am more and more convinced all the time that Matt Taylor (thank you wherever you are) had the schematic right. While I've had his schematic all along, as of today the components were not labeled for transfer into a BOM...

My bad for letting this go too long. Many of you have provided good schematics and BOM's but there hasn't been consistency between them. I am posting a Matt Taylor schematic with reference labels so that we can all work literally from the same page... I'll call this the standard so if you don't mind aligning yourselves to it, we can all talk about the same part with the same label.


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Updated Layout

Post by RJ Guitars »

Rocketeers - here is an updated layout that hopefully matches up to that labeled Matt Taylor schematic I just posted...

If anyone has the time to look it over and verify they are the same I would be greatly appreciative...

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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

Post by HeeBGB »

Umm! The Rocket has no power supply board. Just sayin'
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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

Post by RJ Guitars »

HeeBGB wrote:Umm! The Rocket has no power supply board. Just sayin'
ummm... could you say more about that??

Yeah I've seen and heard a dozen answers to the Rocket Power supply mystery...
1) "Stack O' Caps" on the chassis
2) Can caps and nothing inside
3) PS Board with dropping string resistors only
4) etc.

In a previous post I gave four different examples of how we can use this same board and cover the basic possibilities for PS options. BTW - Don't use this image for component values or any wiring help - just the general idea of where you can put the caps and resistors.

Please say more, we'd like to hear all the real stuff and the folklore.


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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

Post by HeeBGB »

Well to tell the truth i remember seeing a pic a while back of the guts of a Rocket and it had no PS board. It's been around for a while but i haven't seen it in quite some time. I am sure there was no PS board though!
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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

Post by guitarsnguns04 »

hmmm...maybe just a cap can and a rectifier tube huh?
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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

Post by HeeBGB »

IIRC it was the standard filter cap stack like in the Express with the resistors on the caps and the recto tube. No PS board! I haven't been able to find the pic I am referring to so I have to go by memory! It's been a while since I've seen it.
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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

Post by Ron Worley »

That pic would be really helpful.... was it on the forum, or elsewhere??

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More valid data on the Rocket - Would anyone like to add?

Post by RJ Guitars »

Well we are getting near launch time for this group build and we have received a lot of genuinely helpful input. I believe we have adequate info to make an amp of a similar caliber to anything that you'll find here in the posts... differences should be down to individual preferences and personal ability to tweak to perfection...

At this point I have not found a publicly released internal image of any Rocket amps... so we are working on the combination of all the best known info that has been supplied to me... not trivial but likely not complete.

In the end we would like to "Get this right" to the best known specs and info available.

If anyone has some info that will help us make a better amp and you feel like you can share it, please post or if you need your ID protected, send me a PM or email me at

If you've sent me a note and it doesn't appear to be included in the plans, I'm rereading them all constantly but send it again, I don't mind hearing it again.

Ultimately we just want to make a great amp and we will provide what we have learned back to the forum while protecting any sources that request it.


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TW rockit schematics - pilot drawing

Post by Sven »


This is pilot achematics according to Mark Abbodt layout. Comments and corrections of ckt and values welcome.


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TW Rockit pilot schematics and layout

Post by Sven »


Hope this time it works. Here is pilot schematics and layout of TW Rockit, according to Mark Abbott layout, previously posted on this forum. Corrections and comments are welcome, towards the final scheme and layout.


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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

Post by Fischerman »

What about grounding?

I'm likely going to use a slightly different layout of my own creation (nothing new or fancy...or all that different). My tentative grounding scheme is basically two ground busses plus the receptacle-to-chassis ground (I'm using a fused IEC connector for AC power). Here's rough sketch of should be able to see what's what...the two preamp filters are right on the preamp board. I'm also using an F&T dual 33uF cap can (paralleled) for the first filter node (instead of two 40s or one 80). The preamp/PI filters will be 350v rated caps so not very big.

Anybody see any problems with the way I intend to ground everything? My only real question is whether it's OK to ground the power tube grid returns to the preamp buss. I usually don't but it's an extra wire just for that ground so I'd eliminate it if possible.

PS - a couple of preamp board wires not shown...they're power supply wires that connect the 9.1K resistors to the right places.

[img:799:287] ... Layout.png[/img]
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Re: Building a Rocket - Layout Check for group build

Post by RJ Guitars »

Sven - thank you for the great work. It will be really useful to have the Mark Abbott values documented. I am hoping to sit down with all the schematics and see how much those values have changed since his original drawings.

As near as I can understand the history, he had access to a two rock amp that was a direct clone of a Rocket. I don't know if he had access to any other "Rocket Technology" but apparently he made a very good sounding amp.

thanks again,

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