I Don't Get It

Express, Liverpool, Rocket, Dirty Little Monster, etc.

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I Don't Get It

Post by paul_rosk »

I never could understand the fasination with these TrainWreck Amplifiers, maybe someone knows something I don't ????

Ken just cloned a VOX AC-30 Top Boost, there's nothing special about these TrainWreck Amps, no ground breaking designs, nothing but a plain old class A amplifier (By the way, Class A is NOT the bias design to use for a guitar amp!). ROSK Amplifiers pretty much clobbered Ken when the ROSK SA-50 came out, it took TrainWreck 6 to 9 months (if you were lucky) to get a1 amp done, ROSK was cranking them out in 1 month, some rush orders were completed in 6 DAYS! Since 1992 ROSK has hand-built over 280 amplifiers, Reverb Units, and various Vacuum Tube Outboard equipment (a busy Dude!) Now if you're lucky, you just might talk him into building YOU one, but don't count on it, he's semi-retired and only starts a new amp when he's "got the bug". The latest entry into ROSK Tone-To-The-Bone Heaven is Steve Capozzi. Steve was lucky enough to snatch up a Demo amp ROSK built a few years ago. ROSK is in the middle of a million things these days, he runs a private recording studio, produces audio and video, generates Windows Software, and just plain "Screws Around" with some new amp design ideas once in a while. But he's open for questions, always willing to open up someone's views on vacuum tube amp design, so ask away - The Doctor (or Mad Scientist as Guitar Player Magazine called him) IS IN !!!!!
Paul Rosk - Rosk Engineering
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Express A1a circuit?

Post by Mark »

Dear Paul

You might want to check out the Express A1a circuit and explain to me how that is a clone of an AC-30.

I really can't see how you can say that an amp with a different pre-amp design, different power supply, different phase invertor with negative feedback and two EL-34's biased AB is a clone of an AC-30 ?

I should point out that I don't want to get into a long winded discussion about the virtues of Rosk amplifiers. Trainwrecks only please.

Yours Sincerely

Mark Abbott
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Re: 'I Don't Get It'

Post by Omar »

Please keep the discussion about Trainwrecks and tube amp circuits. It's obvious you are trying to push the amplifiers/products you build. This is not the website to do so.

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Express A1a circuit ?

Post by paul_rosk »

Where is this circuit diagram, I'd be interested in seeing it ...
Paul Rosk - Rosk Engineering
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Re: 'I Don't Get It'

Post by Omar »

I will upload the schematics into the Files section tonight. Until then you can see it in the Files section of the Yahoo group"


The file is called 'wreckxpr.pdf'.

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YaHoo Files?

Post by paul_rosk »

There's a zillion files in that directory, which one is it? The file names are really confusing
Paul Rosk - Rosk Engineering
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Re: YaHoo Files?

Post by Moose »

paul_rosk wrote:There's a zillion files in that directory, which one is it? The file names are really confusing
After all that self aggrandizing, I find it odd you even care what's in hobbiest examples of amplifiers inspired by Trainwrecks. Aren't they "Clobbered" by your amps?

But, if you look up ONE POST you'll see the filename has already been provided for you. Many of us have built circuits similar to those and created amps that are a great deal of fun to play and to tweak. That's the draw. Strum a chord and smile. It's as simple as that.

If you have any insight or some fun and interesting techniques to improve our homebrews, I hope you share them. It would be great to get some insight from a real pro.
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Re: I Don't Get It

Post by Omar »

paul_rosk wrote:ROSK is in the middle of a million things these days, he runs a private recording studio, produces audio and video, generates Windows Software
Surely, during your experiences of "generating Windows Software", you have had to use the Find command (Crtl+F in most web browsers). It's a useful feature.
paul_rosk wrote:There's a zillion files in that directory
Also, as a fellow Engineer, I would be remiss if I did not tell you that a "zillion" is not a number.

Now back to the topic at hand, could you explain to us neophytes how Ken just copied a Vox AC30.

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Re: 'I Don't Get It'

Post by wrecked »


BWilliamson posted a great excerpt of Guitar Player's Rosk amp review over at Ampage, under General Discussion in Mark's "The New Tech in Town" thread. It's required reading if you want a little background on Mr. Zahorosky, his advertising methods, and his passion for the third person. ;) Not to sound harsh, but I can't imagine someone in their right mind buying software from the same person who designed that website. It's not cool at all to steal J.C. Maillet's image for your logo either, I do believe he took that one himself.

That being said, Paul, I don't really wish to be rude as I don't know about you or your circumstances, but you'll find few allies with those useless self-aggrandizing posts. From your messages in the internet computer help and recording forums that I've found ('jyinks' in Google), it's clear to me that you aren't incapable of making a rational contribution and hopefully that same attitude can extend to techincal amplifier topics. Everyone can learn something new, myself included...

You could even try a little cap across the standby switch to get rid of the popping that they mentioned in the GP review! :)

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Re: 'I Don't Get It'

Post by s2 »

I don't get it either. I'm floored actually. I could go on all afternoon about how inappropriate and self-serving...

A couple of things:

As a software architect, I want to hurl on Rosk's web page--it would look better covered in creamed corn. Gross! Lifting someone else's graphic is pretty low too. Then there's the VB6 logos all over the place. What is he trying to advertise there?! Congratulations on being able to use the simplest software package in the world. Whatever it is, I call the whole thing sophomoric.

Second, I find it interesting that a Rosk amp has never been returned for repair, but the GP sample broke down. Hmmm... That article is a very interesting read in many ways.

Only 280 amps in 13 YEARS?! That doesn't sound like many for such a busy guy.

Surely an amp guru with the esteem at which he holds himself knows the TW and AC30 are not true class A amps. I say hmmm again...

Lastly (OK this is turing out to be more than a couple of things--just saying what everyone else is thinking), how can anyone look at a TW schematic and call it a Vox? I can see how you might make that mistake with a Matchless, but I don't see much similarity between the TW and the Vox. Sure, I see some similarities between the TW and the Bassman, Twin, and Princeton, but it is just a few here and there--clearly not a ripoff of an entire amp.

Well, hopefully Mr. Rosk will enter the realm of the reasonable and become a valuable contributor to the amp building community. If not, I say good riddance (that is a thinly veiled hint, BTW).
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Re: 'I Don't Get It'

Post by gtrdon »

Mr.Rosk,You have some very large balls You come on here and spout off about your amplifiers and such.I own an guitar amplifier company and have built many wrecks if you will and I have never come to any board with the diatribe that you spout.I will make a link to my web site but that is all I do.If someone wants one of my amps they can contact me.I will not spam a BBS to drum up business or to put down anothers choice of circuts that they want to use.I haven't posted here very often but I have been following the Twreck project since the begining.I think it's strength is in it's simplicity.
Sorry about the rant but guys like rosk realley chafts my chaps.
Don Jones
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Re: 'I Don't Get It'

Post by neilium »

Oh man,

Rosk is currently ranting on the firebottle/ampage forum. It's very entertaining, in a try-not-to-stare-at-the-strange-man kind of way.

oh, and search ebay.

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Re: 'I Don't Get It'

Post by Higbean »

I remember a Guitar Player review years ago on a Rosk amp in a shootout or something. He came across as a jerk then too. I am suprised he doesn't have a Rosk Amp forum. What with the killer tone and supreme build quality in every design I am sure there are droves of people that would love to hear The Master speak.
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Re: 'I Don't Get It'

Post by Elcabong »

The guy has is own forum at http://com2.runboard.com/broskengineering.

I am not surprised he is the only registered member so far.
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Re: 'I Don't Get It'

Post by Omar »

This guy just won't quit? He got ripped here and on ampage and then decides to start his own board?

That boy ain't playin' with a full deck :roll:

Tone by misadventure
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