I locked the Volt thread.

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I locked the Volt thread.

Post by dogears »

I also sent a PM to Shad, ampdork, regarding his continued instigating. I also urge Brandon to tone down the responses. However, Brandon has shared more than anyone else here and gets a pass since he has done so much for the community, and frankly I did not find his comment out of line in the Volt thread regarding LC. He has earned it. Shad has done nothing except get help when he was starting out and starting fights by insulting the members by referring to reacharounds, etc.... Any more outbursts and there will be a banning. To Shad: Either contribute and get along with the members or leave. Why are you here anyway? You seem to feel you know all the secrets.....

Let's try and keep this a productive forum focused on amps. No posting about new commercial models unless there is some accompanying info regarding what circuit. This forum is not for shilling, however innocent.

In addition, if posting clips, include info on what circuit for comparison purposes.... That way the members can compare tones, apples to apples.

Let's try to get along and share info instead of hurling insults.
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by David Root »

Well done.
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by ampdork »

I posted nothing but truth. Both Brandon and Andy have done the name spamming thing before either earned those artists.

That was all I had to say. They both did it, they are both hypocrite for crying foul that some other guy does it.

As for spamming the board...I seem to recall this one guys got started right here selling chassis.

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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by dr. who »

Wow this might turn into the first thread about a locked thread, started by a mod, that will have to be locked. :shock:
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by boldaslove6789 »

Guess there's no amp building going on here lately,

Can't we all just get along? The are tons of D-style amps flowing out now,we All got make the bread some how,whether its the new guy or the guy thats been established.

This is the AMP Garage remember,we ALL need a little help from our friends.
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by talbany »

It never fails.. This place will be humming along fine and someone brings up the topic of people who don't share and use the info for something other than personal use....We all know this
For those who have recently joined us this is a very sensitive topic here and usually ends badly..(Too many strong opinions)
We share what our generosity provides..Help each other along... do our best and reap the personal rewards that comes with helping out a brother on the quest to his perfect tone... We should leave those topics which are unproductive like this one behind us.. This is a wonderful place...

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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by llemtt »

dogears wrote: Let's try and keep this a productive forum focused on amps.

well said Scott, I am a little bored browsing pages of posts lacking technical content

maybe the forum needs another section for non-technical discussions?
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.


ampdork wrote:I posted nothing but truth. Both Brandon and Andy have done the name spamming thing before either earned those artists.
That was all I had to say. They both did it, they are both hypocrite for crying foul that some other guy does it. As for spamming the board...I seem to recall this one guys got started right here selling chassis. :wink:
Shad: Many companies use artists names and tones as points of reference for tone. "It's got that Strat quack" "It has a Les Paul warmth" "It's got that Beano tone", "does the LC and RF sounds" etc. There's nothing wrong with that. If an artist wanted a maker stop using their name, they could do so. In my case it's never happened. "Boy the new Kia looks alot like the new Mercedes"...so what ?

Look, you continue to miss the entire spirit of the forum, and stomping your feet like a baby about how those guys did this or that:

What the "name" builders have accomplished took tons of hard work, time, and money, to build both their businesses and their reputations. I built one or two D-clones in the 80's, and could have survived and grown into my own products without the help of Gil Ayan, Bill Morgan, Scott, and this forum. Knowing these guys, and being in the forum did help fill some gaps in what I did or didn't know about the evolution of the circuit. I never lost sight of who and where help came from when I needed it.

In this forum, I enjoy helping where I can, and the hardest part is walking the line between helping people, and being discrete about things I'm doing, or plan to do, which I choose to keep to myself. I'm sure Brandon and Gary Johnson have the same quandry, yet it hasn't stop either of them from contributing.

After your embarrassing meltdown in the last thread, I decided to take a quick look at all your hundred or so posts. I found you've essentially contributed little to nothing here, despite claiming how much you know whenever you get the chance, here and on other forums.

I agree with Scott: At some point, this forum needs to take a look at the stats, and see who's giving, taking, or just here to make trouble or complain, and clean up the ranks. This is very clear with the newbies who post to simply "advertise" something, and it's so blatantly obvious, they shouldn't last 3 posts.

Before you know it, those that are helpful and friendly, will be driven away by those that aren't.

Last edited by FUCHSAUDIO on Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by jaysg »

Who is 'Shad'....ampdork?
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by Structo »


Don't let that smoke out!
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new horizons

Post by angelodp »

If I understand correctly, neither Dumble or Ken Fischer ever made the same amp twice. Is it not true that the entire history of amp design is an evolution. Forward.
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by brewdude »

I'm trying to figure where someone like me fits into this conversation.

Decades ago, before the internet connected so many people, I bought The Tube Amp Book. Although it was mostly an advertisement for Groove Tubes, it did contain many schematics for classic tube amps. At that time I wanted to build one, but had no idea where to start, and quickly gave up.

Fast forward to about 2 years ago. Wanting to abandon my Line 6 modeling amp and rediscover real tubes, I bought a Valve Jr. with the sole intent on gutting it and rebuilding/modifying it to death. At this time I realized that not only was I addicted to tube amps, but I was also addicted to the forums dedicated to serving other like minded folks with similar obsessions.

I love all the information available from this forum, and a couple others. This gave me the confidence to buy a D'Lite kit. I have been very slowly tweaking it to match the sounds in my head, with varying success. It would be impossible for me to have come this far with out the wealth of very generous insight shared by those members who have a ton of first hand experience. I will likely never get closer than in the audience of a performance to a real Dumble amp.

Thank you for all the help that I have found here. I realize that mostly what I do is lurk in the shadows reading about the experiences of the other builders, taking what I find useful. However, I find that very rarely do I have any insight to contribute. Being a relative newbie, I find that I am a bit intimidated by the immense knowledge of the giants that I keep trying to peek over the shoulders of.

That being said, I am never going to be attempting to start a commercial amp business with the information that I shamelessly barrow. I will always be gracious and kind, and will helpfully contribute when I can.

Yet, I get a little nervous at the mention of limiting the membership every time someone gets their feelings hurt. It always comes to some variation of taking without contributing. Frankly, that mostly describes my behavior. I keep telling myself that you are not talking about me because I am not profiting or inhibiting anyone else's ability to profit by this. I would be very sad if I was excluded.

Once again, thank you.
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by erwin_ve »

There can be said many things about contributing;
Shad(ampdork) has provided us with a nice CAD file for a ODS chassis.
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by jaysg »

brewdude wrote:That being said, I am never going to be attempting to start a commercial amp business with the information that I shamelessly borrow. I will always be gracious and kind, and will helpfully contribute when I can.

Yet, I get a little nervous at the mention of limiting the membership every time someone gets their feelings hurt. It always comes to some variation of taking without contributing. Frankly, that mostly describes my behavior. I keep telling myself that you are not talking about me because I am not profiting or inhibiting anyone else's ability to profit by this. I would be very sad if I was excluded.
Don't worry about this. This forum exists for the benefit of people who want to learn. There are far more like you than you're currently thinking. As long as you don't let yourself get sucked into anything stupid, you'll never be excluded.

There are a handful of people who can and do, contribute volumes. Others like me, have certain knowlege and experiences which can help a few people in unexpected ways. Mostly, asking well thought out (and previously researched) questions, helps everyone when the answers and opinions arrive.
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Re: I locked the Volt thread.

Post by Scumback Speakers »

FUCHSAUDIO wrote: If an artist wanted a maker stop using their name, they could do so. In my case it's never happened.
Except for that pesky Lance Keltner guy...or so he says to anyone who'll listen. <insert rim shot> Ha ha!

(Zinged you again, Andy! See ya next week. LOL)
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